An Opinionated Guide to ML Research

han811·2021년 4월 30일


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Policy Gradient 알고리즘의 거장이신 John Schulman의 머신러닝 연구자로써의 개인적인 생각을 적어놓은 essay에서 곱씹어 볼만한 문구들을 추려보았습니다.

Choosing Problems

  1. Your ability to choose the right problems to work on is even more important than your raw technical skill.

  2. Read a lot of papers, and assess them critically. If possible, discuss them with others who have a deeper knowledge of the subject.

  3. Work in a research group with other people working on similar topics. That way you can absorb their experiences as well as your own.

  4. Seek advice from experienced researchers on what to work on. There’s no shame in working on ideas suggested by other people. Ideas are cheap, and there are lots of them in the air. Your skill comes in when you decide which one to work on, and how well you execute on it.

  5. Spend time reflecting on what research is useful and fruitful. Think about questions like
  • When is theory useful?
  • When are empirical results transferable?
  • What causes some ideas to get wide uptake, whereas others are forgotten?
  • What are the trends in your field? Which lines of work will make the other ones obsolete?

  1. That’s not because these people are dramatically smarter than everyone else, it’s because they have a higher density of expertise and perspective, which puts them a little ahead of the rest of the community, and thus they dominate in generating new results.

  2. If you’re not fortunate enough to be in an environment with high density of relevant expertise, don’t despair. You’ll just have to work extra-hard to get ahead of the pack, and it’s extra-important to specialize and develop your own unique perspective.

  3. Roughly speaking, there are two different ways that you might go about deciding what to work on next.
  • Idea-driven. Follow some sector of the literature. As you read a paper showing how to do X, you have an idea of how to do X even better. Then you embark on a project to test your idea.

  • Goal-driven. Develop a vision of some new AI capabilities you’d like to achieve, and solve problems that bring you closer to that goal. (Below, I give a couple case studies from my own research, including the goal of using reinforcement learning for 3D humanoid locomotion.) In your experimentation, you test a variety of existing methods from the literature, and then you develop your own methods that improve on them.

  1. But here, I’ll take goal-driven research to mean that your goal is more specific than your whole subfield’s goal, and it’s more like make X work for the first time than make X work better.

  2. On the other hand, with goal-driven research, your goal will give you a perspective that’s differentiated from the rest of the community. It will lead you to ask questions that no one else is asking, enabling you to make larger leaps of progress. Goal driven research can also be much more motivating. You can wake up every morning and imagine achieving your goal—what the result would look like and how you would feel. That makes it easier to stick to a long-running research program with ups and downs. Goals also make it possible for a team of researchers to work together and attack different aspects of the problem, whereas idea-driven research is most effectively carried out by “teams” of 1-2 people.

  3. Goal Driven Research: Restrict Yourself to General Solutions

  4. Sometimes, people who are both exceptionally smart and hard-working fail to do great research. In my view, the main reason for this failure is that they work on unimportant problems.

  5. Incremental work (those 10% improvements) are most useful in the context of a larger goal that you are trying to achieve.

  6. Go back and look at the list of machine learning achievements you admire the most. Does your long-term research plan have the potential to reach the level of those achievements? If you can’t see a path to something that you’d be proud of, then you should revise your plan so it does have that potential.

Making Continual Progress

  1. Keep a Notebook, and Review It

  2. I strongly advise you to keep a notebook, where you record your daily ideas and experiments. I have done this through 5 years of grad school and 2 years at OpenAI, and I feel that it has been tremendously helpful.

  3. Every 1 or 2 weeks, I do a review, where I read all of my daily entries and I condense the information into a summary. Usually my review contains sections for experimental findings, insights (which might come from me, my colleagues, or things I read), code progress (what did I implement), and next steps / future work. After I do my week in review, I often look at the previous week to see if I followed up on everything I thought of that week. Also, while doing this review, I sometimes transfer information into other sources of notes. (For example, I keep a list of backburner ideas and projects, separate from my notebook.)

  4. First, the notebook is a good place to write down ideas as soon as you have them, so you can revisit them later. Often, when I revisit my journal entries during the week in review, I’ll fill in a missing piece in a puzzle, which didn’t occur to me at the time.

  5. Second, the notebook helps you keep your experimental results in a unified place, so you can easily find the results later. It’s easy to forget about your conclusions, e.g., which hyperparameters made a difference, and you’ll want to revisit your old notebook entries.

  6. Third, the notebook lets you monitor your use of time. You might wonder “where did last week go?”, and the notebook will help you answer that question. You might be disappointed with your throughput and realize you need to work on your time management. You also might look back at several months and realize that you’ve been jumping around between ideas too much—that you have a few half-finished projects but you didn’t follow any of these threads long enough to yield a notable result.

  7. But in empirical machine learning research, it’s hard to know if you’ve tried an idea hard enough. Sometimes the idea has the potential to work, but if you get one detail wrong, you’ll see no signs of life. But other ideas are simply doomed to fail no matter how hard you work on them.

  8. In my experience, switching problems too frequently (and giving up on promising ideas) is a more common failure mode than not switching enough. Often, while you’re engaged in the long slog towards getting your current idea to work, another promising idea will come along, and you’ll want to jump to that idea. If your idea is quick to try and the potential upside is large, then go ahead and do it. But more commonly, your initial results on the new idea will be disappointing, and it’ll take a more sustained effort to yield significant results.

  9. One strategy, which I haven’t tried personally but makes a lot of sense upon reflection, is to devote some fixed time budget to trying out new ideas that diverge from your main line of work. Say, spend one day per week on something totally different from your main project. This would constitute a kind of epsilon-greedy exploration, and it would also help to broaden your knowledge.

Personal Development

  1. However, you can significantly improve your chances to do great work in the long term by regularly setting aside time for your personal development. Specifically, you should allocate some fraction of your time towards improving your general knowledge of ML as opposed to working on your current project.

  2. The main ways to build your knowledge of ML are to read textbooks, theses and papers; and to reimplement algorithms from these sources. Early on in your career, I recommend splitting your time about evenly between textbooks and papers. You should choose a small set of relevant textbooks and theses to gradually work through, and you should also reimplement the models and algorithms from your favorite papers.

  3. Most students of machine learning don’t spend time reading textbooks after they finish their school courses. I think this is a mistake, since textbooks are a much more dense way to absorb knowledge than papers.

  4. Besides textbooks, I recommend reading PhD theses of researchers whose work interests you. PhD theses in ML usually are ordered as follows: (1) introductory and background material, (2) several papers that were previously published at conferences (it’s said that you just have to “staple together” your papers to write your thesis), and (3) a conclusion and outlook. You’re likely to benefit most from parts (1) and (3), since they contain a unifying view of the past and future of the field, written by an expert. Recent theses are often the best place to find a literature review of an active field, but older theses also often contain valuable gems of insight.

  5. Textbooks and theses are good for building up your foundational knowledge, but you’ll also need to read a lot of papers to bring your knowledge up to the frontier. When you are just starting your research career, I recommend spending a lot of time reimplementing ideas from papers, and comparing your results to the published ones. First of all, this gives you a much deeper understanding of the topic than you’d get by passively reading. Second, you’ll gain experience running experiments, and you’ll get much quicker feedback by reimplementing existing work (where the desired level of performance is known) than by doing original research. Once you can easily reproduce the state-of-the-art, you’ll be ready to go beyond it.

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