[Chapter 4] UTXO(Unspent Transaction Outputs)

m0nd2y·2022년 8월 18일

What is Blockchain?

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AssumeA send money to B amount of 100.

What do bank have to do?

First, Check A have money more than 100.
Second, withdraw amount of 100 from A's account.
Third, deposit amount of 100 to B's account.

It is really simple.
but, How it works that If there meet an error between second and third


maybe,, withdraw amount of 100 from A's account, B can't deposit amount of 100.
finally amount of 200 will be disappear :(

The UTXO(Unspent Transaction Outputs) can solve this problem.


I'll explain UTXO with again upper example.

100 have onwership id that is0xAAA
then we can change upper flowchart like As follows

First, Check A have money more than 100.
Second, change 100's onwhership id 0xAAA to 0xBBB

There is no problem even they meet an error.
This is simple logic of UTXO.

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