import sys
import heapq
def init():
ipt = sys.stdin.readline
r, c = map(int, ipt().split())
board = [list(ipt().rstrip()) for _ in range(r)]
n = int(ipt())
stick_list = list(map(int, ipt().split()))
dy = [0, -1, 0, 1]
dx = [-1, 0, 1, 0]
return r, c, board, n, stick_list, dy, dx
def get_mineral(start, step):
y, x = start
while 0 <= x < c:
if board[y][x] == 'x':
return (y, x)
x += step
def dfs(start):
global floating
sy, sx = start
visited[sy][sx] = True
if sx not in cluster:
cluster[sx] = [-sy]
heapq.heappush(cluster[sx], -sy)
if sy == r-1:
floating = False
for d in range(4):
ny = sy + dy[d]
nx = sx + dx[d]
if 0 <= ny < r and 0 <= nx < c:
if board[ny][nx] == 'x' and not visited[ny][nx]:
dfs((ny, nx))
def get_gap(y, x):
for i in range(y, r):
if i+1 == r or board[i+1][x] == 'x':
return i-y
def get_min_gap():
min_gap = r
for x in cluster:
y = -cluster[x][0]
gap = get_gap(y, x)
min_gap = min(min_gap, gap)
return min_gap
def down():
min_gap = get_min_gap()
for x in cluster:
while cluster[x]:
y = -heapq.heappop(cluster[x])
board[y][x] = '.'
board[y + min_gap][x] = 'x'
r, c, board, n, stick_list, dy, dx = init()
for i in range(n):
sy = r - stick_list[i]
sx = 0 if i % 2 == 0 else c-1
step = 1 if i % 2 == 0 else -1
mineral = get_mineral((sy, sx), step)
if not mineral:
my, mx = mineral
board[my][mx] = '.'
for d in range(4):
ny = my + dy[d]
nx = mx + dx[d]
if 0 <= ny < r and 0 <= nx < c:
if board[ny][nx] == 'x':
cluster = dict()
floating = True
visited = [[False] * c for _ in range(r)]
dfs((ny, nx))
if floating:
for i in range(r):