자바스크립트는 웹 페이지에 3개의 다른 방법으로 추가될 수 있다.
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<title>30DaysOfScript:Inline Script</title>
<button onclick="alert('Welcome to 30DaysOfJavaScript!')">Click Me</button>
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<title>30DaysOfScript:Internal Script</title>
console.log('Welcome to 30DaysOfJavaScript')
자바스크립트의 대표적인 데이터 타입은 다음과 같다. String, Number, Boolean, undefined, Null, and Symbol
typeof operator 을 통해 판별 가능하다.
console.log(typeof 'Asabeneh') // string
console.log(typeof 5) // number
console.log(typeof true) // boolean
console.log(typeof null) // object type
console.log(typeof undefined) // undefined
We will not use var in this challenge and I don't recommend you to use it. It is error prone way of declaring variable it has lots of leak. We will talk more about var, let, and const in detail in other sections (scope). For now, the above explanation is enough.
A valid JavaScript variable name must follow the following rules: