2025-02-15 영어 공부

: ) YOUNG·2025년 2월 15일


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  • companion : 동반자, 친구, 벗, 가정 도우미, 한 짝, 안내서

  • participate : 참가하다

  • attend : 참석하다, 다니다, 주의를 기울이다, 참석하다, 수행하다

  • accept : 받아들이다, 받아 주다, 받아들이다.

  • recollects : 기억해(생각해) 내다.

  • reserve : 예약하다, 따로 잡아 두다, 보류하다, 갖다, 비축, 보호 구역, 말이 없음, 내성적, 신중함

  • abandon : 버리고 떠나다, 버리다, 그만두다 포기하다.

  • lie : 누워있다, 눕다, 놓여 있다, 있다

  • gallop : 전속력, 전속력으로 달리다, 질주하다, (말이 달릴 수 있는 가장 빠른 속도)

  • literacy : 문해력

  • promote : 촉진하다, 홍보하다, 승진시키다, 승격시키다.

  • spectacular : 장관을 이루는, 극적인, 화려한 쇼

  • picturesque : 그림같은, 생생한

  • arresting : 시선을 사로잡는, 아주 매력적인

sometimes it would stop raining long enough for the stars to come out.
가끔 비가 그치고 별이 뜰 때가 있었어

And then it was nice.
그땐 정말 아름다웠어

It was like just before the sun goes to bed down on the bayou.
마치 해 질 녘 바이유의 풍경처럼요.

There was always a million sparkles on the water.
물 위에는 항상 수많은 빛이 반짝거렸어요.

Like that mountain lake. It was so clear.
It looked like there were two skies, one on top of the other.
산속의 호수가 너무나도 깨끗해 두 개의 하늘을 포갠 것 같을 때도

And then, in the desert, when the sun comes up, I couldn't tell where heaven stopped and the earth began.

It was so beautiful.

I wish I could've been there with you.
나도 함께 있었으면 좋았을 텐데

You were.

My Enlish skills are very limited. Please understand.
My English is not very good. I appreciated your understanding.

제 영어 기술은 많이 부족합니다. 이해해주세요

They sending me to Vietam.
나 베트남으로 떠나

It's the whole other country.
다른 나라로 말이야

Just hang on a minute.
잠시만 기다려주세요

Listen, you promise me something, okay?
한가지 약속해줘

Just, If you're ever in trouble, don't try to be brave. You just run, okay?
위험할 때는 괜히 용감한 척 말고. 무조건 뛰어 알겠지?

Just run away.

I'll write you all the time.
매일 편지 쓸게

And just like that, she was gone.
그녀는 그렇게 가버렸어요

You know, it's funny how you remember some things, but somethings you can't
웃긴게 뭔지 알아요? 어떤 건 기억나고 어떤 건 기억 안나잖아요

I remember the bus ride on the first day of school very well.
처음 학교 버스 타던 날이 생생하게 기억나요

Are you coming along?
안 탈 거니?

Are you coming with us, or not?
우리랑 같이 갈거야, 말거야?

Aren't you coming along?
Aren't you joining us?
같이 안 갈 거니?

Mama said not to be taking rides from stranders.

This is the bus to school.

Well, now we ain't strangers anymore

You know, it's funny what a young man recollects, cause I don't remember being born.

I don't recall what I got for my first christmas, and I don't know when I went on my first outdoor picnic. But I do remember the first time I heard the sweetest voice in the wide world.

You can sit here if you want.

I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life.
She was like an angel.

Well, are you gonna sit down, or aren't you?

You know what's funny?
웃긴게 뭔지 알아요?

You do your very best now.

I sure will mom.

Beconfident! Don't worry about what others think!
자신감을 가져!, 사람들 눈치 보지마!

I'll be confident and do my best.
자신감을 가지고 최선을 다할게요

Now, they told us that Vietname was gonna be very different from USA and except for all the beer cans and the barbecue, it was.

사람들이 베트남은 미국과 많이 다를거라고 했어요.
맥주와 바베큐만 빼면 진짜 그랬죠

I didn't ask you to pull me out of there
거기서 꺼내달라고 부탁한 적 없어

Where the hell do you think you're going?
도대체 어디 가는 거야?
I got an air strike inbound right now.
지금 공습 들어온다고

They're gonna nape the whole area.
이 지역 전체를 네이팜 탄으로 날려버릴거야

I gotta find bubba
-> I have got to find bubba
주어 + gotta + 동사 원형: "~해야 한다"는 의무를 나타내는 구어체 표현

After that

저는 제 방에서 침대를 가장 좋아합니다. 그 이유는 침대에 누워서 유튜브와 넷플릭스를 볼 때 정말 행복하기 때문이에요.
My favorite place in my room is my bed. I feel really happy when I lie down and watch Youtube and netflix there.

The deadlift is my absolute favorite workout. In my opinion, a man's back muscles are where his charm truly lies.
제가 가장 좋아하는 운동은 데드리프트 입니다. 남자의 매력은 등 근육에 있다고 생각하기 때문이에요.

When you ride a horse, do you go at a full gallop?
당신이 말을 탈 때, 전속력으로 달리나요?

I didn't read even one book last year.
저는 작년에 한권의 책도 읽지 않았습니다.

Do you know anyone who has difficulty reading?
글을 읽는데 어려움을 느끼는 사람을 아나요?

very happy time.

do you have your own farm?

Yesterday I went bowling with friends, then we went to a cafe, chatted, and had a great time.

Which do you like better, cat or dog?

Which do you prefer, cat or dog?

Hey you ever think about naming this old boat?
It's bad luck have to without a name.

I'd never names a boat before,
배 이름을 붙여본적은 없지만,

but there was only one I couldn't think of, the most beautiful name in the wide world.
생각나는 이름은 하나뿐이었어요. 세상에서 제일 아름다운 이름이죠

I hoped that whatever she was doing made her happy.
그녀가 뭘 하든 행복하길 바랬죠

Well, thought I'd try out my sea legs
thought I would

뱃사람으로서의 실력이 어떤지 한번 볼까 했지.

try out : ~시험해 보다, ~을 써보다

But you ain't got no legs -> But you have not got no legs
하지만, 당신은 다리가 없잖아요

You wrote me a letter, idiot.
니가 나한테 편지 썼잖아

I had to see this for myself
직접 확인하러 왔지

And I told you if you were ever a shrimp boat captain that I'd be your first mate.
내가 말했잖아. 자네가 새우잡이 배 선장이 되면 내가 일등항해사 한댔잖아.

Well, here I am.
그래서 내가 여기왔지

Yeah, but don't you be thinking that I'm going to be calling you "sir"
그래도 내가 너한테 존댓말 쓸 거라고는 생각하지 마.

don't you be thinking that ~ : ~ 라고 생각하지 마

be going to : ~ 할 것 이다.

I got plenty

Well, name them.

That's great. They're all dead.
모두 고인들이잖아

Not to me they're not.
저한테는 아니에요

You don't have a lot of dialogue with them.
하지만 대화를 할 수 없잖니

You can't give back to them, Will.
서로 교감할 수가 없어

because all you see is every negative thing ten miles down the road.
왜냐하면 당신은 앞으로 일어날 모든 부정적인 일만 보기 때문이죠.

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