백준 1525번
import java.io.*
import java.util.*
private const val N = 3
private lateinit var br: BufferedReader
private lateinit var bw: BufferedWriter
private lateinit var st: StringTokenizer
private val dirX = arrayOf(-1, 1, 0, 0)
private val dirY = arrayOf(0, 0, -1, 1)
private val arr = Array(3) { CharArray(3) }
private val pq: PriorityQueue<Node> = PriorityQueue()
private val visitedMap = HashMap<Int, Int>()
private val impossibleSet = HashSet<Int>()
private data class Node(var data: String, var g: Int, var f: Int) : Comparable<Node> {
override fun compareTo(other: Node): Int {
if (f == other.f) {
return f.compareTo(other.f)
} // End of compareTo
} // End of Node class
fun main() {
br = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(System.`in`))
bw = BufferedWriter(OutputStreamWriter(System.`out`))
if (visitedMap.containsKey("123456789".toInt())) {
} else {
visitedMap.keys.forEach {
} // End of main
private fun aStartAlgorithm() {
while (!pq.isEmpty()) {
val pollNode = pq.poll()
val numberData = pollNode.data
val sharpIndex = numberData.indexOf("9")
val cr = sharpIndex / 3
val cc = sharpIndex % 3
if (impossibleSet.contains(numberData.toInt())) {
var data = ""
for (i in 0 until 4) {
val nowX = cr + dirX[i]
val nowY = cc + dirY[i]
if (rangeCheck(nowX, nowY)) {
var next = java.lang.StringBuilder(numberData)
next = swap(cr, cc, nowX, nowY, next)
data = next.toString()
if (visitedMap.containsKey(data.toInt())) {
} else {
val g = pollNode.g
val heuristicValue = getHeuristicValue(data)
val f = g + heuristicValue
pq.offer(Node(data, g + 1, f))
visitedMap[data.toInt()] = g + 1
if (visitedMap.containsKey("123456789".toInt())) {
} // End of aStartAlgorithm
private fun swap(cr: Int, cc: Int, nowX: Int, nowY: Int, next: StringBuilder): StringBuilder {
val currentRC = cr * 3 + cc
val nextRC = nowX * 3 + nowY
val temp = next[currentRC]
next.setCharAt(currentRC, next[nextRC])
next.setCharAt(nextRC, temp)
return next
} // End of swap
private fun getHeuristicValue(data: String): Int {
var count = 0
for (i in data.indices) {
if ("123456789"[i] != data[i]) {
return count
} // End of getHeuristicValue
private fun rangeCheck(nowX: Int, nowY: Int): Boolean {
return nowX < N && nowX >= 0 && nowY < N && nowY >= 0
} // End of rangeCheck
private fun setData() {
var boardStr = ""
for (x in 0 until N) {
st = StringTokenizer(br.readLine())
for (y in 0 until N) {
arr[x][y] = st.nextToken()[0]
if (arr[x][y] == '0') {
arr[x][y] = '9'
boardStr += arr[x][y]
pq.offer(Node(boardStr, 0, 0))
visitedMap[boardStr.toInt()] = 0
} // End of setData