백준 29703번
BFS 문제이다.
문제를 풀이하자면, 출발지에서 거점을 한 군데 방문하고, 다시 집으로 돌아오는데, 최단거리로 돌아와야 한다.
if (nowCoor.fishCnt >= 1) {
if (!ableCheck(nextX, nextY, isVisitedAfter)) continue
next = map[nextX][nextY]
when (next) {
'F' -> {
que.offer(Penguin(nextX, nextY, nowCoor.fishCnt + 1, nowCoor.time + 1))
isVisitedAfter[nextX][nextY] = true
'H' -> {
ans = nowCoor.time + 1
return ans
else -> {
que.offer(Penguin(nextX, nextY, nowCoor.fishCnt, nowCoor.time + 1))
isVisitedAfter[nextX][nextY] = true
} else {
if (!ableCheck(nextX, nextY, isVisitedBefore)) continue
next = map[nextX][nextY]
when (next) {
'F' -> {
que.offer(Penguin(nextX, nextY, nowCoor.fishCnt + 1, nowCoor.time + 1))
isVisitedAfter[nextX][nextY] = true
'H' -> {
que.offer(Penguin(nextX, nextY, nowCoor.fishCnt, nowCoor.time + 1))
isVisitedBefore[nextX][nextY] = true
else -> {
que.offer(Penguin(nextX, nextY, nowCoor.fishCnt, nowCoor.time + 1))
isVisitedBefore[nextX][nextY] = true
를 생선서식지 방문 전과 방문 후 이렇게 2개를 만들어 두고 구분해서 BFS를 순회하도록 만들었다.
BFS특성상 S
에서 F
까지 자연스럽게 가장 최단거리로 갈 수 있고 F
를 찍고 다시 H
로 돌아간다.
여기서 H
가 F
로 가는 길에 있었을 수도 있기 때문에 이전에 사용하지 않은 isVsiited
를 사용해야한다.
import java.io.*
import java.util.*
// input
private lateinit var br: BufferedReader
// variables
private var N = 0
private var M = 0
private lateinit var start: Penguin
private lateinit var map: Array<CharArray>
private var dirX = arrayOf(-1, 1, 0, 0)
private var dirY = arrayOf(0, 0, -1, 1)
private data class Penguin(var x: Int = 0, var y: Int = 0, var fishCnt: Int = 0, var time: Int = 0)
fun main() {
br = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(System.`in`))
val bw = BufferedWriter(OutputStreamWriter(System.out))
} // End of main()
private fun solve(): String {
val sb = StringBuilder()
val ans = BFS()
if (ans == -1) {
} else {
return sb.toString()
} // End of solve()
private fun BFS(): Int {
var ans = -1
val que: LinkedList<Penguin> = LinkedList()
val isVisitedBefore = Array(N) { BooleanArray(M) }
val isVisitedAfter = Array(N) { BooleanArray(M) }
isVisitedBefore[start.x][start.y] = true
while (que.isNotEmpty()) {
val nowCoor = que.poll()
for (i in 0 until 4) {
val nextX = dirX[i] + nowCoor.x
val nextY = dirY[i] + nowCoor.y
var next = ' '
if (nowCoor.fishCnt >= 1) {
if (!ableCheck(nextX, nextY, isVisitedAfter)) continue
next = map[nextX][nextY]
when (next) {
'F' -> {
que.offer(Penguin(nextX, nextY, nowCoor.fishCnt + 1, nowCoor.time + 1))
isVisitedAfter[nextX][nextY] = true
'H' -> {
ans = nowCoor.time + 1
return ans
else -> {
que.offer(Penguin(nextX, nextY, nowCoor.fishCnt, nowCoor.time + 1))
isVisitedAfter[nextX][nextY] = true
} else {
if (!ableCheck(nextX, nextY, isVisitedBefore)) continue
next = map[nextX][nextY]
when (next) {
'F' -> {
que.offer(Penguin(nextX, nextY, nowCoor.fishCnt + 1, nowCoor.time + 1))
isVisitedAfter[nextX][nextY] = true
'H' -> {
que.offer(Penguin(nextX, nextY, nowCoor.fishCnt, nowCoor.time + 1))
isVisitedBefore[nextX][nextY] = true
else -> {
que.offer(Penguin(nextX, nextY, nowCoor.fishCnt, nowCoor.time + 1))
isVisitedBefore[nextX][nextY] = true
return ans
} // End of BFS
private fun ableCheck(nextX: Int, nextY: Int, isVisited: Array<BooleanArray>): Boolean {
return nextX in 0 until N && nextY in 0 until M && !isVisited[nextX][nextY] && map[nextX][nextY] != 'D'
} // End of ableCheck
private fun input() {
StringTokenizer(br.readLine()).run {
N = nextToken().toInt()
M = nextToken().toInt()
map = Array(N) {
repeat(N) { x ->
repeat(M) { y ->
if (map[x][y] == 'S') {
start = Penguin(x, y)
} // End of input()