- Query, Path를 더 advance 하게 사용해보자.
Mix Path, Query & body paramters
from typing import Union
from fastapi import FastAPI, Path
from pydantic import BaseModel
app = FastAPI()
class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
description: Union[str, None] = None
price: float
tax: Union[float, None] = None
async def update_item(
item_id: int = Path(title="The ID of the item to get", ge=0, le=1000),
q: Union[str, None] = None,
item: Union[Item, None] = None,
results = {"item_id": item_id}
if q:
results.update({"q": q})
if item:
results.update({"item": item})
return results
Singular values in body
from typing import Union
from fastapi import Body, FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel
app = FastAPI()
class Item(BaseModel):
name: str
description: Union[str, None] = None
price: float
tax: Union[float, None] = None
class User(BaseModel):
username: str
full_name: Union[str, None] = None
async def update_item(item_id: int, item: Item, user: User, importance: int = Body()):
results = {"item_id": item_id, "item": item, "user": user, "importance": importance}
return results
"item": {
"name": "Foo",
"description": "The pretender",
"price": 42.0,
"tax": 3.2
"user": {
"username": "dave",
"full_name": "Dave Grohl"
"importance": 5
- Body로 data를 define할 수 있다.
- 원래는 singluar value이면 FastAPI는 query parameter로 인식하겠지만 Body를 통해 또다른 Body로 다룰 수 있다.
Multiple body params & query
async def update_item(
item_id: int,
item: Item,
user: User,
importance: int = Body(gt=0),
q: Union[str, None] = None
Embed a single body parameter
- 만약 item key로 JSON을 만들고 싶다면 Body()의 embed parameter를 선언하면 된다.
async def update_item(item_id: int, item: Item = Body(embed=True)):
results = {"item_id": item_id, "item": item}
return results
"item": {
"name": "Foo",
"description": "The pretender",
"price": 42.0,
"tax": 3.2
instead of:
"name": "Foo",
"description": "The pretender",
"price": 42.0,
"tax": 3.2