클론 프로젝트 Quiz App < mvc >

Wongbing·2021년 12월 27일

//Model _ Question
import Foundation

struct Question {
    let text: String
    let answer: [String]
    let correctAnswer: String
    init(q: String, a:[String] , c:String) {
        text = q
        answer = a
        correctAnswer = c

//Model _ QuizBrain

import Foundation

struct QuizBrain {
    let quiz = [
        Question(q: "Which is the largest organ in the human body?", a: ["Heart", "Skin", "Large Intestine"], c: "Skin"),
        Question(q: "Five dollars is worth how many nickels?", a: ["25", "50", "100"], c: "100"),
        Question(q: "What do the letters in the GMT time zone stand for?", a: ["Global Meridian Time", "Greenwich Mean Time", "General Median Time"], c: "Greenwich Mean Time"),
        Question(q: "What is the French word for 'hat'?", a: ["Chapeau", "Écharpe", "Bonnet"], c: "Chapeau"),
        Question(q: "In past times, what would a gentleman keep in his fob pocket?", a: ["Notebook", "Handkerchief", "Watch"], c: "Watch"),
        Question(q: "How would one say goodbye in Spanish?", a: ["Au Revoir", "Adiós", "Salir"], c: "Adiós"),
        Question(q: "Which of these colours is NOT featured in the logo for Google?", a: ["Green", "Orange", "Blue"], c: "Orange"),
        Question(q: "What alcoholic drink is made from molasses?", a: ["Rum", "Whisky", "Gin"], c: "Rum"),
        Question(q: "What type of animal was Harambe?", a: ["Panda", "Gorilla", "Crocodile"], c: "Gorilla"),
        Question(q: "Where is Tasmania located?", a: ["Indonesia", "Australia", "Scotland"], c: "Australia")
    var questionNumber = 0
    var scorePoint = 0
    mutating func checkAnswer(_ userAnswer: String) -> Bool {
        if userAnswer == quiz[questionNumber].correctAnswer {
            scorePoint += 1
            return true
        }else {
            return false
    func getQuestionText() -> String {
        return quiz[questionNumber].text
    func getChoiceName(_ number:Int) -> String {
        return quiz[questionNumber].answer[number]
    func getProgress() -> Float {
        return Float(questionNumber+1) / Float(quiz.count)
    mutating func nextQuestion(){
        if questionNumber + 1 < quiz.count {
            questionNumber += 1
        } else {
            questionNumber = 0
            scorePoint = 0
    func getScore() -> Int{
        return scorePoint

//Controller _ ViewController

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var scoreLabel: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var questionLabel: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var progressBar: UIProgressView!
    @IBOutlet weak var choice1Button: UIButton!
    @IBOutlet weak var choice2Button: UIButton!
    @IBOutlet weak var choice3Button: UIButton!
    var quizBrain = QuizBrain()
    override func viewDidLoad() {

    @IBAction func answerButtonPressed(_ sender: UIButton) {
        let userAnswer = sender.currentTitle!// True, False
        let userGotItRight = quizBrain.checkAnswer(userAnswer)
        if userGotItRight {
            sender.backgroundColor = UIColor.green
            sender.backgroundColor = UIColor.red

        Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.2, target: self, selector: #selector(updateUI), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)

    @objc func updateUI() {
        choice1Button.setTitle(quizBrain.getChoiceName(0), for: .normal)
        choice2Button.setTitle(quizBrain.getChoiceName(1), for: .normal)
        choice3Button.setTitle(quizBrain.getChoiceName(2), for: .normal)
        questionLabel.text = quizBrain.getQuestionText()
        progressBar.progress = quizBrain.getProgress()
        scoreLabel.text = "Score: \(quizBrain.getScore())"
        choice1Button.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
        choice2Button.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
        choice3Button.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear


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