🐼 몰랐던 부분 & 헷갈린 부분만 정리
select u.user_id, u.name, u.email from users u
inner join orders o on u.user_id = o.user_id
where o.payment_method = 'kakaopay'
-> 이 코드를 subquery를 활용해서 동일하게 만들어보장 !
select user_id, name, email from users u
where user_id in (
select user_id from orders o
where payment_method = 'kakaopay'
# 큰 쿼리문 안에 들어가는 작은 쿼리문.
# 가장 안에 들어가있는 쿼리문부터 시작해서 결과를 만들고 그 다음 밖에 있는걸 실행함
# in 안에 들어있는 쿼리문에 해당하는 user_id만 걸러낼거야~~~
2) select문 안에 query문 넣기
select c.checkin_id,
select avg(likes) from checkins
where user_id =c.user_id
) as avg_likes_user
from checkins c
# c.user_id와 일치하는 것들의 평균값들을 다 추출해줘~~
3) from절 안에 query문 넣기
select pu.user_id, pu.point, a.avg_likes from point_users pu
inner join (
select user_id, round(avg(likes),1) as avg_likes from checkins c
group by user_id
) a on pu.user_id = a.user_id
# 내가 지금 만든 select문을 마치 원래부터 있었던 테이블로 사용하는게 from 절 안에 있는 subquery
4) Subquery 연습(where, select)
🌱 퀴즈1
select * from point_users pu
where point > (
select avg(point) from point_users pu
🌱 퀴즈2
select * from point_users pu
where point > (
select avg(point) from point_users pu
inner join users u2 on pu.user_id = u2.user_id
where name = '이**'
select * from point_users pu
where point > (
select avg(point) from point_users pu
where user_id in (
select user_id from users where name = '이**'
# subquery안에 subquery~~~
🌱 퀴즈3
-> 내답안
select checkin_id,
likes, (
select avg(likes) from checkins c
group by course_id
as course_avg from checkins c
-> 정답
select c.checkin_id,
c.likes, (
select avg(likes) from checkins c
where course_id = c.course_id
as course_avg from checkins c
5) Subquery 연습(from, inner join)
🌱 퀴즈1
select c.course_id, COUNT(DISTINCT(user_id)) as cnt_checkins from checkins c
group by course_id
# count안에 distinct넣기!! 주의!!
🌱 퀴즈2
select course_id, count(user_id) as cnt_total from orders o
group by course_id
🌱 퀴즈3
-> 내 답안
select c.course_id,
COUNT(DISTINCT(c.user_id)) as cnt_checkins,
count(*) as cnt_total
from checkins c
inner join orders o on c.user_id = o.user_id
group by c.course_id
# checkins테이블과 orders 테이블을 inner join 해주었는데
# count 세어줄 때 cnt_total이 안먹힌다. 왜냐면 이건 orders 테이블에서 가져온거라
# select 구문을 읽어줄 때 뒤에 inner join에 나오는 orders를 못읽는 것 같다
# 어떻게 해야나올까??
-> 샘 답안
select a.course_id, a.cnt_checkins, b.cnt_total from
select course_id,
count(DISTINCT(user_id)) as cnt_checkins
from checkins
group by course_id
) a
inner join
select course_id, count(*) as cnt_total
from orders
group by course_id
) b on a.course_id = b.course_id
# 크게 쪼개보면
# select * from () a
# inner join () b on 조건
# 저 괄호 안에 각각의 select문을 넣어주는 것... 아 너무 신기한데 너무 헷갈령..ㅠㅠ
🌱 퀴즈4
select a.course_id, a.cnt_checkins, b.cnt_total, a.cnt_checkins/b.cnt_total as ratio from (select course_id, count(DISTINCT(user_id)) as cnt_checkins from checkins c
group by course_id) a
inner join (select course_id, count(*) as cnt_total from orders o
group by course_id) b on a.course_id = b.course_id
🌱 퀴즈5
select c.title,
a.cnt_checkins/b.cnt_total as ratio
(select course_id, count(DISTINCT(user_id)) as cnt_checkins
from checkins c
group by course_id) a
inner join (select course_id, count(*) as cnt_total
from orders o
group by course_id) b
on a.course_id = b.course_id
inner join (select * from courses) c
on c.course_id = b.course_id
# inner join 2개 들어갈 떄 그냥 밑에다가 써주면 될듯 ~!
with table1 as (
select course_id, count(DISTINCT(user_id)) as cnt_checkins from checkins c
group by course_id
), table2 as (
select course_id, count(*) as cnt_total from orders o
group by course_id
# table1과 table2가 임시테이블처럼 활용됨. alias로 select 구문을 넣어주는 것임 !
-> with 절을 사용해서 좀더 가독성을 높여보장 ! 요러케~~
with table1 as (
select course_id, count(DISTINCT(user_id)) as cnt_checkins from checkins c
group by course_id
), table2 as (
select course_id, count(*) as cnt_total from orders o
group by course_id
select c.title, a.cnt_checkins, b.cnt_total, a.cnt_checkins/b.cnt_total as ratio
from table1 a
inner join table2 b
on a.course_id = b.course_id
inner join (select * from courses) c
on c.course_id = b.course_id
# email을 '@'기준으로 쪼갤껀데 첫번째 것만 보여줘~!
# -1 하면? 마지막꺼만 보여줘~!
# 시작포인트, 시작포인트부터 몇자 자를건지!
case when pu.point > 10000 then '잘하고 있어요!'
else '조금만 더 화이팅!' end
# 포인트가 10000보다 크면 잘하고 있어요 또는, 그게 아니면 조금만 더 화이팅하고 끝!
# select구문에 들어가는 걸 기억해주...!
with table1 as (
select pu.user_id, pu.point,
(case when pu.point > 10000 then '1만 이상'
when pu.point > 5000 then '5천 이상'
else '5천미만' end) as lv
from point_users pu
select a.lv, count(*) as cnt FROM table1 a
group by a.lv
# 요건 with 구문까지 합쳐진 case when 문!
📌 과제1(초급)
select pu.point_user_id, pu.point,
(case when pu.point >= avg(pu.point) then '잘 하고 있어요'
else '열심히 합시다!' end) as msg
from point_users pu
-> 왜 데이터가 하나밖에 안나올까...?ㅎ....
select pu.point_user_id, pu.point,
when pu.point > (select avg(pu2.point) from point_users pu2) then '잘 하고 있어요!'
else '열심히 합시다!'
end as 'msg'
from point_users pu
# avg(point) 부분에 select 서브쿼리를 넣어줬네...?
# avg(point)가 들어갈 자리에 저렇게도 넣어줄 수 있다는게 넘 신기.. 저렇게 넣으니까 쫘르르 다 나옴! 😇
📌 과제2(초급)
select SUBSTRING_INDEX(email,'@',-1) as domain, count(*) from users u
group by DOMAIN
select domain, count(*) as cnt from (
select SUBSTRING_INDEX(email,'@',-1) as domain, count(*) from users u
) a
group by DOMAIN
# 샘은 from 절에 subquery를 넣어주었는데 답은 둘다 같다. 뭐가 다른걸까?
📌 과제3(초급)

select * from checkins c
where comment like '%화이팅%'
📌 과제4(중급)

select a.enrolled_id, a.done_cnt, b.total_cnt from (
select enrolled_id, count(*) as done_cnt from enrolleds_detail
where done = 1
group by enrolled_id
) a
inner join(
select enrolled_id, count(*) as total_cnt from enrolleds_detail
group by enrolled_id
) b on a.enrolled_id = b.enrolled_id
with table1 as (
select enrolled_id, count(*) as done_cnt from enrolleds_detail
where done = 1
group by enrolled_id
), table2 as (select enrolled_id, count(*) as total_cnt from enrolleds_detail
group by enrolled_id
select a.enrolled_id, a.done_cnt, b.total_cnt from table1 a
inner join table2 b on a.enrolled_id = b.enrolled_id
📌 과제5(중급)

with table1 as (
select enrolled_id, count(*) as done_cnt from enrolleds_detail
where done = 1
group by enrolled_id
), table2 as (select enrolled_id, count(*) as total_cnt from enrolleds_detail
group by enrolled_id
select a.enrolled_id, a.done_cnt, b.total_cnt, round(a.done_cnt/b.total_cnt,2) as ratio, 2 from table1 a
inner join table2 b on a.enrolled_id = b.enrolled_id
# 주의할 것: round사용할 때 전체 블록잡고 ctrl+enter 하기
📌 과제6(중급)

select enrolled_id,
sum(done) as cnt_done,
count(*) as cnt_total
from enrolleds_detail ed
group by enrolled_id
#sum을 활용해서 done=1을 셀 수 있음! 간단하게!
- 🌈 4주차 강의가 끝났다. 확실히 섭쿼리를 손에 익히려면 시간이 필요한가보당.. 다시 한 번 정리하면서 연습을 해야겠따 ! 뿌우듯~! SQL 수업 끄읕 🌈