오늘의 뻘짓-ECMAScript 2015 Language Specification 읽어보기

맨큐의 경제학9판·2023년 5월 11일


나는 프론트엔드의 깊은 이해가 필요하다고 생각했다. 그래서 자바스크립트 deepdive책도 찾아봤다. 그러던중 커뮤니티에서 위 사이트를 추천해주었는데 페이지를 열자마자 엄청나게 어려운 기술용어와 영어울렁증이 시너지를 이루어 나를 숨막히게 했다. 그래도 드림코딩의 ECMAScript의 변천사에 관한 영상을 본적이 있기에 익숙한 내용이 몇몇개 있기는 했다.

내가 읽은 몇개의 문단들을 소개하겠다.

  • 주의
    필자는 영어에 잼병이므로 필자의 해석을 믿지 마시오

Introduction의 일부분

This Ecma standard defines the ECMAScript 2015 language, which is the sixth edition of the ECMAScript language specification. Since the first edition was published in 1997, ECMAScript has become one of the most widely used general-purpose programming languages in the world. It is best known as the language embedded in web browsers, but it is also widely used for server and embedded applications. The sixth edition is the most comprehensive update to ECMAScript since the first edition was published in 1997...

초간단 해석:
ECMAscipt 2015는 6판(가장 포괄적), 가장 널리 쓰이는 프로그램됨, 서버와 임베디드 app에도 쓰임 -대충 자랑

Goals for ECMAScript 2015 include providing better support for large applications, library creation, and for use of ECMAScript as a compilation target for other languages. Some of its major enhancements include modules, class declarations, lexical block scoping, iterators and generators, promises for asynchronous programming, destructuring patterns, and proper tail calls. The ECMAScript library of built-ins has been expanded to support additional data abstractions including maps, sets, and arrays of binary numeric values as well as additional support for Unicode supplemental characters in strings and regular expressions. The built-ins are now extensible via subclassing.

ES6는 더 많은 기능을 지원함(include modules, class,비동기적 프로그래밍을 위한 promise 등등 겁나 많음)

ECMAScript is based on several originating technologies, the most well-known being JavaScript (Netscape) and JScript (Microsoft). The language was invented by Brendan Eich at Netscape and first appeared in that company’s Navigator 2.0 browser. It has appeared in all subsequent browsers from Netscape and in all browsers from Microsoft starting with Internet Explorer 3.0.

초간단해석:ECMAScript는 js와 Jscript기반임

The development of the ECMAScript Language Specification started in November 1996. The first edition of this Ecma Standard was adopted by the Ecma General Assembly of June 1997.

초간단 해석: ECMAScript 스펙은 1996부터 작성됨

That Ecma Standard was submitted to ISO/IEC JTC 1 for adoption under the fast-track procedure, and approved as international standard ISO/IEC 16262, in April 1998. The Ecma General Assembly of June 1998 approved the second edition of ECMA-262 to keep it fully aligned with ISO/IEC 16262. Changes between the first and the second edition are editorial in nature.

Ecma Standard는 ISO/IEC에 fast-trak(거의 절차 없이 개빨리) 승인됨 international standard ISO/IEC 16262으로 1판과 2판은 거의차이 없는 편집상의 수정사항
(1판은 ISO/IEC JTC 1 가 채택한것 같은데 2판부터는 Ecma General Assembly가 채택하는듯)

The third edition of the Standard introduced powerful regular expressions, better string handling, new control statements, try/catch exception handling, tighter definition of errors, formatting for numeric output and minor changes in anticipation future language growth. The third edition of the ECMAScript standard was adopted by the Ecma General Assembly of December 1999 and published as ISO/IEC 16262:2002 in June 2002.

초간단 해석:3판도 겁나 기능 추가됨 3판은 Ecma General Assembly에 의해 채택되었고 ISO/IEC 16262:2002 로 공개됨

After publication of the third edition, ECMAScript achieved massive adoption in conjunction with the World Wide Web where it has become the programming language that is supported by essentially all web browsers. Significant work was done to develop a fourth edition of ECMAScript. However, that work was not completed and not published as the fourth edition of ECMAScript but some of it was incorporated into the development of the sixth edition.

3판 공개 이후 월드 와이드 웹과의 연결에 채택됨-모든 브라우저에서 지원됨

4판에는 중요한 것들이 있었지만 4판이라는 이름으로 출간되지 않고 6판에 끼워서 출간됨

The fifth edition of ECMAScript (published as ECMA-262 5th edition) codified de facto interpretations of the language specification that have become common among browser implementations and added support for new features that had emerged since the publication of the third edition. Such features include accessor properties, reflective creation and inspection of objects, program control of property attributes, additional array manipulation functions, support for the JSON object encoding format, and a strict mode that provides enhanced error checking and program security. The Fifth Edition was adopted by the Ecma General Assembly of December 2009.

5판... 아 귀찮아.. 안할래 comformance부터 보세요 ㅎ

The fifth Edition was submitted to ISO/IEC JTC 1 for adoption under the fast-track procedure, and approved as international standard ISO/IEC 16262:2011. Edition 5.1 of the ECMAScript Standard incorporated minor corrections and is the same text as ISO/IEC 16262:2011. The 5.1 Edition was adopted by the Ecma General Assembly of June 2011.


[Conformance]의 일부분
-> 약간 준수해야 하는 메뉴얼 같은 느낌?
comformance: 적합성

A conforming implementation of ECMAScript must provide and support all the types, values, objects, properties, functions, and program syntax and semantics described in this specification.

ECMAScipt 준수하면서 구현하려면 타입, 변수 ,객체, 프로퍼티 함수 그리고 프로그램 문법등이 스펙에 제공되어야함

A conforming implementation of ECMAScript must interpret source text input in conformance with the Unicode Standard, Version 5.1.0 or later and ISO/IEC 10646. If the adopted ISO/IEC 10646-1 subset is not otherwise specified, it is presumed to be the Unicode set, collection 10646.

ES준수하면서 구현하려면 텍스트 입력을 유니코드 기준에 맞춰야 한다.

A conforming implementation of ECMAScript that provides an application programming interface that supports programs that need to adapt to the linguistic and cultural conventions used by different human languages and countries must implement the interface defined by the most recent edition of ECMA-402 that is compatible with this specification.

언어적 문화적 관습에 적응될 필요가 있는 프로그램을 도와주는 api를 제공하는 ES 준수하면서 구현하는것은 반드시 구현해야 한다 인터페이스를 ECMA-402에 의해 정의된

근데 여기서 말하는 api가 정확히 무엇을 의미하는지는 모르겠음..
서버 통신하는 api는 아닌것 같은데..

이 문단이 너어어어ㅓㅇ무 해석하기 어려워서 이 문단이 쓰인 의미와 정 반대 의미로 해석했을 수 있다

A conforming implementation of ECMAScript may provide additional types, values, objects, properties, and functions beyond those described in this specification. In particular, a conforming implementation of ECMAScript may provide properties not described in this specification, and values for those properties, for objects that are described in this specification.

(앞에서 말했던 지원 내용) 변수 타입 객체 프로퍼티등을 준수하면서 구현해야함

이걸 왜읽었을까?.. 너무 앞부분만 읽어서 구체적인 작동원리는 잘 모르겠다. 뒷부분을 읽어야할것 같다.

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