Sorafenat 200mg Tablet (Natco Pharma) At The Lowest Cost Online

Medsdelta·2021년 8월 4일

About Sorafenat 200mg Tablets and Why they are used:

Sorafenat 200mg Tablets is a kidney cancer medicine manufactured by Natco Pharma . This is the composition of Sorafenib , which is a generic name for the brand name Nexavar Tablets . It is an anticancer drug used to tyrosine kinase inhibitors used in the treatment of liver cancer, kidney cancer, and thyroid cancer.

What is Kidney Cancer?

Kidney cancer is a disease that starts in the kidneys. It happens when healthy cells in one or both kidneys grow out of control and form a lump (called a tumor).

Natco Sorafenat Tablets Medicine Details:

Brand Name: Sorafenat
Active Ingredient: Sorafenib Tosylate
International Name: Nexavar Tablets
Manufacturer: Natco Pharma
Strength: 200mg
Form: Tablets
Packing: Pack of 120 Tablets
Country of Origin: India

How does Sorafenat 200mg Tablets Works?

Sorafenat 200mg Tablet is an anti-cancer medication. It works by blocking the action of the abnormal protein that signals cancer cells to multiply. This helps to stop or slow the spread of cancer cells.

Explore more alternatives to Sorafenat Tablets

Soranib 200mg Sorafenib Tablets
Sorafekast 200mg Sorafenib Tablets
Nexavar 200mg Sorafenib Tablets
Shilfenib 200mg Sorafenib Tablets
Floranib 200mg Sorafenib Tablets

Where can I get the cheapest Sorafenat 200mg Tablets

Medsdelta: Trusted Indian Pharmacy is a single source of high-quality generic and branded medicines, and is a leading global pharmaceutical wholesaler and distributor of 100% genuine medicines for patients suffering from chronic conditions such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, arthritis and diabetes. & more. We provide Natco Sorafenat 200mg tablets at the lowest cost and export to China, Russia, Japan, Kenya, UK, USA, Chile, Vietnam, UAE and bigger and smaller countries. To order or inquire about
Sorafenat 200mg tablet pricing or other brands of Sorafenib Tosylate Tablets , please visit our website at or email:

MedsDelta: Trusted Indian Pharma Exporter deals in a wide variety of medicines, specializes in targeted generic Drugs.

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