"최소 비용으로 모두 통행 가능하도록" ==> Minimum weight
"순서가 바뀌더라도 같은 연결로 봅니다." ==> Undirected graph
==> MST (Minimum Spanning Tree)
👉 Kruskal Algorithm
Cycle Check를 위한 Union - Find 함수 작성
(1) 모든 Edge의 weight (가중치) 오름차순 정렬
(2) 가중치 적은 Edge부터 차례로 검사하며 Cycle 생성 여부 검사
Cycle exists -> discard it
Cycle not exists -> union it
(3) 모든 Edge (노드 수 - 1) 를 연결할 때 까지 (2) 반복
class Solution {
lateinit var parents: IntArray
lateinit var ranks: IntArray
// Path compression using recursive function
private fun findRoot(vertex: Int): Int {
if (vertex != parents[vertex]) {
parents[vertex] = findRoot(parents[vertex])
return parents[vertex]
// Union By Rank
private fun unionSet(x: Int, y: Int) {
val xRoot = findRoot(x)
val yRoot = findRoot(y)
if (ranks[xRoot] < ranks[yRoot]) parents[xRoot] = yRoot
else if (ranks[xRoot] > ranks[yRoot]) parents[yRoot] = xRoot
else { // same rank -> smaller root has priority!
if (xRoot <= yRoot) {
parents[yRoot] = xRoot
} else {
parents[xRoot] = yRoot
private fun isCycle(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean = (findRoot(x) == findRoot(y))
fun solution(n: Int, costs: Array<IntArray>): Int {
parents = IntArray(n + 1) { it } // initialize parent(root) it self
ranks = IntArray(n + 1)
// sortBy != sortedBy
// sort weight ascending
costs.sortBy { it[2] }
var answer = 0
var edgeCount = 0
// The number of edges in Spanning Tree is the number of Vertices - 1 (V-1 == n - 1)
while (edgeCount < n - 1) {
for (cost in costs) {
if (!isCycle(cost[0], cost[1])) {
unionSet(cost[0], cost[1])
answer += cost[2]
return answer