- Problem
909. Snakes and Ladders
- 내 풀이 (BFS)
class Solution:
def __init__(self):
self.board: List[List[int]] = [[]]
def bfs(self, start: int) -> int:
N = len(self.board)
moves = {start: 0}
q = collections.deque([start])
while q:
curr = q.popleft()
if curr == N**2:
return moves[curr]
for nxt in range(curr + 1, curr + 7):
col, row = (nxt - 1) // N, (nxt - 1) % N
y = ~col
x = ~row if col % 2 else row
if 0 <= col < N and 0 <= row < N:
if is_snake_or_ladder_block(self.board[y][x]):
nxt = self.board[y][x]
if nxt not in moves:
moves[nxt] = moves[curr] + 1
return -1
def snakesAndLadders(self, board: List[List[int]]) -> int:
self.board = board
return self.bfs(1)
def is_snake_or_ladder_block(val: int) -> bool:
BLANK = -1
return val > BLANK
- 결과