[AIFFEL] 22.Apr.08, GD_OCR_3(Segmenatation만 한 날...)

Deok Jong Moon·2022년 4월 8일

논문 구현

U-Net ++

  • Redesigned skip connections

    • skip connections와 upsampled lower-level feature map을 concatenate 할 때 채널 수가 어떻게 되는지가 관건인데

    • p 2. "As a result, each node in the UNet++ decoders, from a horizontal perspective, combines multiscale features from its all preceding nodes at the same resolution, and from a vertical perspective, integrates multiscale features across different resolutions from its preceding node, as formulated at Eq. 1. This multiscale feature aggregation of UNet++ gradually synthesizes the segmentation"

    • p 2. "We redesign skip connections in UNet++, enabling flexible feature fusion in decoders—an improvement over the restrictive skip connections in U-Net that require fusion of only same-scale feature maps (see Section II-B)."

    • p 3. "While using aggregated feature maps at a decoder node is far less restrictive than having only the same-scale feature map from the encoder, there is still room for improvement. We further propose to use dense connectivity in UNet+, r"

    • p 3. "With dense connectivity, each node in a decoder is presented with not only the final aggregated feature maps but also with the intermediate aggregated feature maps and the original same-scale feature maps from the encoder. As such, the aggregation layer in the decoder node may learn to use only the same-scale encoder feature maps or use all collected feature maps available at the gate."

    • p 3. "Let xi,jx^{i,j} denote the output of node Xi,jX^{i,j} where ii indexes the down-sampling layer along the encoder and jj indexes the convolution layer of the dense block along the skip connection."

  • X_00, X_01, X_02, X_03, X_04 끝처리 부분

    • p 4. "For this purpose, we append a 1 x 1 convolution with CC kernels followed by a Sigmoid activation function to the outputs from nodes X0,1X^{0,1}, X0,2X^{0,2}, X0,3X^{0,3}, and X0,4X^{0,4} where CC is the number of classes observed in the given dataset."
  • Loss

  • Deep Supervision

    • 이거 근데 뭘까...? 예측으로는 뭔가 branch들 하나하나 Supervision(훈련?) 해줬어야 했는데, 지금은 안해도 된다는 건가...?
    • p 2. "Note that, explicit deep supervision is required (bold links) to train U-Nete but optional (pale links) for UNet+ and UNet++."
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