1) how to make arrays
use []
, or space % to add element to the right
; % to add element to the next row
2) Ex
a = [1 2 3]
b = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]
3) colon operator (can omit [])
x = 1:6
x = 1 : pi/50 : pi % first : stepsize : last
x = 0 : -2 : -5
4) linspace
5) transpose
c = b'
6) functions for generating large array
b1 = 1:0.1:2
b2 = rand(5,4)
b3 = ones(3,4)
b4 = zeros(8,3)
b5 = eye(3) % identity matrix
7) row vector (1D array)
8) column vector (1D array)
9) matrix (2D array)
10) ":" gives row vector
1:4 % (1x4)
[1:4]' % (4x1)
11) +,-,*,^ works for matrices
< dimension을 잘 살펴볼 것! >
A = rand(4,3)
B = rand(4,3)
C = rand(3,3)
A + B
A * B'
A' * B
C^3 %same as C*C*C
12) elementwise operation (vectorization)
A .* B
A ./ B
A .^ B
13) combining matrices ⟹ same rule as "how to make arrays"
[], comma or space, semicolon
D = [A', C ; rand(3,3) B'] % D는 (6x7)