1) unique
returns only unique elements in array
A = ceil(6*rand(1000,1));
whos A
help unique
2) program file
extension : m
cannot create exe file (but possible using Matlab Coder)
either main program or function
① function
how to tell : starts with "function"
how to run : need to provide - input data & variable names for outputs
ex) [a,b] = size(M)
② main
how to tell : does not start with "function"
how to run : just type file name without .m
Input(keyboard) ⟹ program ⟹ Output(monitor)
3) input via keyboard
a = input('Type a -> ')
a = input('Type a \n 1:yes \n 0:no \n --> ')
s = input('Type your name : ','s') % string input without ' '
4) output via monitor
x = rand
disp(x) % 내용물만 보여줄 때, 더 깔끔하게 볼 수 있음
['answer : ',num2str(x),'rad/s']
disp(['answer : ',num2str(x),'rad/s'])