1) sound
load handel
which handel.mat
2) ddang.m
draw 2 cards
each card : number of 1 to 10
38 광땡 → train sound : load train; sound(y,Fs)
땡 → gong sound : load gong; sound(y,Fs)
망통 → laughter sound : load laughter; sound(y,Fs)
Early iteration stop (see and run : testbreak.m)
3) break
terminates loop
In nested loops, BREAK exits from the loop that it belongs to
4) continue
passes control to the next iteration
5) return
causes a return to the invoking function or to the keyboard
General Form of Function
6) function maxij (finding maximum element)
Find max value and its location from input matrix
function [amax, i, j] = maxij(a)
a : input matrix
amax : max value of a
i,j : row and col index of amax in a
use [vmax, i] = max(v)
7) Newton's method for solving f(x) = 0
% myNewton.m
% This program finds a root of function func1().
x = input('Type initial guess --> ');
fx = func1(x);
dx = 1e-8;
i = 0; % 몇 번 도는지 보기 위함
while abs(fx) > 1e-10 % 내가 생각하기에 충분히 작은 수. ~=로 대체하면 무한 루프가 되어버림.
i = i+1
fx = func1(x);
dfx = ( func1(x+dx) - func1(x) ) / dx;
x = x - fx/dfx;