To create is God, To error is human
1) program bug (error)
bug that is detected by Matlab (syntax error) → easy to find
bug that gives wrong answer → not easy to find
debugging : process of finding bugs and fixing them (* step by step)
2) Debugging takes a major portion of programming
3) No.1 rule of debugging
check values of variables (ex, remove ';' at the end)
4) makes program script easy to understand
5) does not affect computation, but very important
① put comments(%) as many as possible
begginning of program → summary of what program does
② indent dependent statements (if, for, while)
if (i<0.5)
i = i + 3;
if (i<0.5)
i = i + 3;
③ put blank line between sections
④ one equation (command) in one line
Comment / Uncomment
command+/ (comment) : insert comment marker in front
command+option+/ (uncomment) : remove comment marker from front