[playback system]
Loading multiple video source from the folder, create a list & click to play
Get an information from playback
ie) _rate, frames, length, resolution
Function that return the info of video source
def getSourceInfo():
srcInfo = op('srcInfo') # Tis is a new 'table' operator
srcInfo.clear() #clear table
src.appendRow(['name', 'rates', 'length', 'audio', 'resx', 'resy']) # crate name on table DAT
Create a list that corrects the copy of video source(replicants).
Loop through all the instancing[item*] and retrieve the information, then assign it to the list.
def getSourceInfo():
item = [] #create an empty list
path_to_item = op('project1/main_/your_path_here') #path to the multiple source
item = path_to_item.ops('item*') #grap the copies, put into the list, don't forget ' '
srcName = op('srcName_') #extrude the name in 'table' list
srcInfo = op('srcInfo')
src.appendRow(['name', 'rate', 'length', 'frames', 'audio', 'resx', 'resy'])
for k in range(1, len(item) + 1):
startPath = 'item{index}.format(index=k)
endPath = '/player'
combine = op(startPath + endPath)
appendRow([srcName[k, 0],combine.rates, combine.numSeconds, combine.numImages, combine.hasAudio, combine.fileWidth, combine.fileHeight])