
해피데빙·2022년 9월 30일



router.all("page/faq$", function(req, res){
	handler.renderHbs(req, res, "pages/page/faq", {
    //default layout인 common.handlerbar 위에 해당 route에 있는 파일에 뒤 {} option들을 지역변수로 넣어서 render
    	title:"문의하기" //metainfo로 넘어가는 : title 또는 헤더 title


//category가 없으면 faq폴더의 index.handlebar
//page.faq.js : click 시 class:active 추가
//>뒤에 경로를 partials에 대한 경로로 추가해주는 곳?
//is(server.ts에서 handlerbar 인스턴스 생성 시 정의한 helper : 첫 인자와 두번째 인자가 같으면 {{}} 안 경로의 파일로 이동하라는 뜻인 듯)

{{#unless params.category}}{{> faq/index}}{{/unless}}
{{#is params.category "account"}}{{> faq/account}}{{/is}}
{{#is params.category "auth"}}{{> faq/auth}}{{/is}}
{{#is params.category "timetable"}}{{> faq/timetable}}{{/is}}
{{#is params.category "community"}}{{> faq/community}}{{/is}}
{{#is params.category "privacy"}}{{> faq/privacy}}{{/is}}
{{#is params.category "abuse"}}{{> faq/abuse}}{{/is}}
{{#is params.category "etc"}}{{> faq/etc}}{{/is}}

params.category로 넣는 값 : a 태그로 href에 query로 값 넘겨줌
ex. /page/faq?category=auth

   <a href="/page/faq?category=auth">
              <h4>학교 인증</h4>
              <p>합격자 인증, 재학생 인증, 졸업생 인증 등</p>


res.render(view [, locals][, callback])
Renders a view and sends the rendered HTML string to the client. Optional parameters:

  • locals: an object whose properties define local variables for the view.

  • callback: a callback function. If provided, the method returns both the possible error and rendered string, but does not perform an automated response. When an error occurs, the method invokes next(err) internally.

  • The view argument : a string that is the file path of the view file to render.
    - This can be an absolute path, or a path relative to the views setting.

    • If the path does not contain a file extension, then the view engine setting determines the file extension.
    • If the path does contain a file extension, then Express will load the module for the specified template engine (via require()) and render it using the loaded module’s __express function.

For more information, see Using template engines with Express.

cf. NOTE: The view argument performs file system operations like reading a file from disk and evaluating Node.js modules, and as so for security reasons should not contain input from the end-user.

cf. The local variable cache enables view caching. Set it to true, to cache the view during development; view caching is enabled in production by default.

// send the rendered view to the client

// if a callback is specified, the rendered HTML string has to be sent explicitly
res.render('index', (err, html) => {

// pass a local variable to the view
res.render('user', { name: 'Tobi' }, (err, html) => {
  // ...

노션 : https://garrulous-gander-3f2.notion.site/c488d337791c4c4cb6d93cb9fcc26f17

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