앵귤러 버전 업데이트

노요셉·2020년 9월 17일

angular5 -> angular6

레퍼런스 : https://medium.com/@filipjerga/angular-5-to-angular-6-migration-guide-7ba4d2544411

백오피스의 앵귤러 버전이 5라서 그 흔한 서비스 컴포넌트에
providedIn: root 로 싱클톤으로 서비스를 구성하는게 쉽지 않았음..

결국 그냥 레거시로 두더라도, 운영할때 좀 편하게 angular 6까지는 업그레이드 합시다.
변동포인트가 조금 있어요.

위에 레퍼런스대로 따라하다가 막히고, 해결한 부분만 따로 정리했습니다.

angular-cli.json -> angular.json

ng update @angular/core@6

블로그 찾아보면 이거 하나 나오는데 안되는 경우는 설명을 안해둠
저는 역시나 버전업이 안됐어요. 기존 라이브러리들이 버전이 맞지 않아서 그런건데요.
일단 요 패키지들을 따로 기록해두고, 다 제거합니다. 그후에 다시 ng update @angular/core@6 해주시면 될거에요. 버전이 높아도 마찬가지겠죠. 이런 상황에서는 일단 ng update로 angular 버전을 올려주고, 문제의 라이브러리를 재설치하면 될것 같아요.

solarconnect-yosephnoh  ~/dev/core_web/client   feature/Angular6Try2 ●  ng update @angular/core@6

Your global Angular CLI version (10.1.1) is greater than your local
version (6.2.9). The local Angular CLI version is used.

To disable this warning use "ng config -g cli.warnings.versionMismatch false".
                  Package "angular2-toaster" has an incompatible peer dependency to "rxjs" (requires "^5.4.2", would install "6.6.3").
                  Package "ng2-table" has an incompatible peer dependency to "@angular/compiler" (requires "~2.0.0" (extended), would install "6.1.10").
                  Package "ng2-table" has an incompatible peer dependency to "@angular/common" (requires "~2.0.0" (extended), would install "6.1.10").
                  Package "ng2-table" has an incompatible peer dependency to "@angular/forms" (requires "~2.0.0" (extended), would install "6.1.10").
                  Package "ng2-table" has an incompatible peer dependency to "@angular/core" (requires "~2.0.0" (extended), would install "6.1.10").
Incompatible peer dependencies found. See above.

rxjs-5-to-6-migrate -p src/tsconfig.app.json

rxjs5에서 rxjs6 업그레이드 될때 꽤 많이 바뀌어요.
내부 feature 위치랑 import 방식등이 조금 달라요. lint로 한번에 바꿔주는데
저 같은 경우는 lint 후에 또 일일이 바꿔줬어요.

npm install -g rxjs-tslint
rxjs-5-to-6-migrate -p src/tsconfig.app.json

angular-cli.json -> angular.json

요즘 앵귤러하시는 분들은 angular-cli.json이 뭐냐 하시겠지만
@angular/cli 버전이 아주 낮았을때는 angular-cli.json을 썻더라고요.

버전업 하면 이런 에러가 발생해요. Error: Local workspace file ('angular.json') could not be found.

해결책 ng update @angular/cli --from=1.7.4 --migrate-only

11:34:51 AM client.1 |  Local workspace file ('angular.json') could not be found.
11:34:51 AM client.1 |  Error: Local workspace file ('angular.json') could not be found.
11:34:51 AM client.1 |      at WorkspaceLoader._getProjectWorkspaceFilePath (/Users/solarconnect-yosephnoh/dev/core_web/client/node_modules/@angular/cli/models/workspace-loader.js:44:19)
11:34:51 AM client.1 |      at WorkspaceLoader.loadWorkspace (/Users/solarconnect-yosephnoh/dev/core_web/client/node_modules/@angular/cli/models/workspace-loader.js:31:21)
11:34:51 AM client.1 |      at ServeCommand._loadWorkspaceAndArchitect (/Users/solarconnect-yosephnoh/dev/core_web/client/node_modules/@angular/cli/models/architect-command.js:201:32)
11:34:51 AM client.1 |      at ServeCommand.<anonymous> (/Users/solarconnect-yosephnoh/dev/core_web/client/node_modules/@angular/cli/models/architect-command.js:53:25)
11:34:51 AM client.1 |      at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
11:34:51 AM client.1 |      at /Users/solarconnect-yosephnoh/dev/core_web/client/node_modules/@angular/cli/models/architect-command.js:7:71
11:34:51 AM client.1 |      at new Promise (<anonymous>)
11:34:51 AM client.1 |      at __awaiter (/Users/solarconnect-yosephnoh/dev/core_web/client/node_modules/@angular/cli/models/architect-command.js:3:12)
11:34:51 AM client.1 |      at ServeCommand.initialize (/Users/solarconnect-yosephnoh/dev/core_web/client/node_modules/@angular/cli/models/architect-command.js:52:16)
11:34:51 AM client.1 |      at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/solarconnect-yosephnoh/dev/core_web/client/node_modules/@angular/cli/models/command-runner.js:127:23)
11:34:51 AM client.1 |  npm
11:34:51 AM client.1 |   ERR! code ELIFECYCLE


jenkins빌드가 잘 돌았는데 서버에 들어가보니 런타임 에러가 뜨네요.
특이 케이스인데, 운영서버에서 도커를 쓰신다면, 그리고 dockerfile에 @angular/cli 버전을 명시해뒀다면, package.json의 @angular/cli랑 버전 맞춰줘야합니다.

main.a8e3e961f9a043801d24.js:1 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): ReferenceError: global is not defined
ReferenceError: global is not defined
    at Object.czA5 (2.04831a40da47177ee005.js:1)
    at c (runtime.d61c49fce3f6fd32ad18.js:1)
    at Object.YVFZ (2.04831a40da47177ee005.js:1)
    at c (runtime.d61c49fce3f6fd32ad18.js:1)
    at Object.2V7f (2.04831a40da47177ee005.js:1)
    at c (runtime.d61c49fce3f6fd32ad18.js:1)
    at Object.3/HP (2.04831a40da47177ee005.js:1)
    at c (runtime.d61c49fce3f6fd32ad18.js:1)
    at Object.Nia1 (2.04831a40da47177ee005.js:1)
    at c (runtime.d61c49fce3f6fd32ad18.js:1)
    at j (polyfills.0fbe5f6e6bbf394f1c7b.js:1)
    at j (polyfills.0fbe5f6e6bbf394f1c7b.js:1)
    at polyfills.0fbe5f6e6bbf394f1c7b.js:1
    at e.invokeTask (polyfills.0fbe5f6e6bbf394f1c7b.js:1)
    at Object.onInvokeTask (main.a8e3e961f9a043801d24.js:1)
    at e.invokeTask (polyfills.0fbe5f6e6bbf394f1c7b.js:1)
    at t.runTask (polyfills.0fbe5f6e6bbf394f1c7b.js:1)
    at y (polyfills.0fbe5f6e6bbf394f1c7b.js:1)

구글링 해서 적용한 방법

<!-- https://github.com/aws/aws-amplify/issues/678 fix: -->
  if (global === undefined) {
    var global = window;
<!-- https://github.com/aws/aws-amplify/issues/678 fix end-->


서로 아는 것들을 공유해요~

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