네이버 폐지줍기 자동화 하기

HGW XX/7·2023년 12월 20일


목록 보기

import re
import uuid
import requests
import rsa
import lzstring
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
import time
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.parse import urljoin

def encrypt(key_str, uid, upw):
    def naver_style_join(l):
        return ''.join([chr(len(s)) + s for s in l])

    sessionkey, keyname, e_str, n_str = key_str.split(',')
    e, n = int(e_str, 16), int(n_str, 16)

    message = naver_style_join([sessionkey, uid, upw]).encode()

    pubkey = rsa.PublicKey(e, n)
    encrypted = rsa.encrypt(message, pubkey)

    return keyname, encrypted.hex()

def encrypt_account(uid, upw):
    key_str = requests.get('https://nid.naver.com/login/ext/keys.nhn').content.decode("utf-8")
    return encrypt(key_str, uid, upw)

def naver_session(nid, npw):
    encnm, encpw = encrypt_account(nid, npw)

    s = requests.Session()
    retries = Retry(
        status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504]
    s.mount('https://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries))
    request_headers = {
        'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'

    bvsd_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
    encData = '{"a":"%s-4","b":"1.3.4","d":[{"i":"id","b":{"a":["0,%s"]},"d":"%s","e":false,"f":false},{"i":"%s","e":true,"f":false}],"h":"1f","i":{"a":"Mozilla/5.0"}}' % (
    bvsd_uuid, nid, nid, npw)
    bvsd = '{"uuid":"%s","encData":"%s"}' % (bvsd_uuid, lzstring.LZString.compressToEncodedURIComponent(encData))

    resp = s.post('https://nid.naver.com/nidlogin.login', data={
        'svctype': '0',
        'enctp': '1',
        'encnm': encnm,
        'enc_url': 'http0X0.0000000000001P-10220.0000000.000000www.naver.com',
        'url': 'www.naver.com',
        'smart_level': '1',
        'encpw': encpw,
        'bvsd': bvsd
    }, headers=request_headers)

    finalize_url = re.search(r'location\.replace\("([^"]+)"\)', resp.content.decode("utf-8")).group(1)

    return s

def find_naver_campaign_links(base_url, visited_urls_file='visited_urls.txt'):
    # Read visited URLs from file
        with open(visited_urls_file, 'r') as file:
            visited_urls = set(file.read().splitlines())
    except FileNotFoundError:
        visited_urls = set()

    # Send a request to the base URL
    response = requests.get(base_url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser')

    # Find all span elements with class 'list_subject' and get 'a' tags
    list_subject_links = soup.find_all('span', class_='list_subject')
    naver_links = []
    for span in list_subject_links:
        a_tag = span.find('a', href=True)
        if a_tag and '네이버' in a_tag.text:

    # Initialize a list to store campaign links
    campaign_links = []

    # Check each Naver link
    for link in naver_links:
        full_link = urljoin(base_url, link)
        if full_link in visited_urls:
            continue  # Skip already visited links

        res = requests.get(full_link)
        inner_soup = BeautifulSoup(res.text, 'html.parser')

        # Find all links that start with the campaign URL
        for a_tag in inner_soup.find_all('a', href=True):
            if a_tag['href'].startswith("https://campaign2-api.naver.com"):

        # Add the visited link to the set

    # Save the updated visited URLs to the file
    with open(visited_urls_file, 'w') as file:
        for url in visited_urls:
            file.write(url + '\n')

    return campaign_links

# The base URL to start with
base_url = "https://www.clien.net/service/board/jirum"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    s = naver_session('##ID##', '##PASSWORD##)
    campaign_links = find_naver_campaign_links(base_url)
    for link in campaign_links:
        response = s.get(link)
        # print(response.text)
        print("캠페인 URL : " + link)

# confirm - https://new-m.pay.naver.com/pointshistory/list?category=all

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