A model proposed to solve the Long-term dependency / Vanishing (Exploding) gradient problem, which is the biggest problem of RNN (Recurrent Neural Network).
- Because it shares the same weight, the value of gradient becomes uncontrollably small or large when the weight goes wrong even once.
- So we need an independent cell that is responsible for regulating the weights.
The reason why it does not contain information from the past for a long time is that the size of the hidden vector quickly dissipates existing information due to non-linearity function and frequent matrix operations
- To improve this, we use a cell-state that constantly loses information.
In addition, rather than simply using the current information, to regularize information leakage
- how much information up to the previous point will be forgotten (Forget)
- how much current information will be reflected (Input)
- how much the final value will be actually used (Output)
Specifically, let input at time t be xt, cell state(Long interval), hidden state(Short interval) at time t be ct, ht
In addition to the three key terms, there are four additional terms that serve as forget, input, output, and core within the gate. Let's call it ft, it, ot, gt, respectively.
Then, update formula is following:
Note that ct doesn't use activate function, so linearity preserved.