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제일 기초가 되는 JS를 공부해보고 싶다고 생각했고, MDN문서를 공부해보기로 했다.
그래서, 시간이 날 때 마다 MDN 문서를 한장씩 분석하려고 한다!
분석보다는 공부하기에 가깝겠지만, 프엔 개발자를 생각 중 이니까, 기초가 되는 JS를 파보자!
MDN 웹 문서?
웹 표준과 모질라 프로젝트에 대한 개발 문서들이 담긴 모질라의 공식 웹사이트.
MDN 웹 문서는 개발자 커뮤니티가 관리하는 위키로, HTML, 자바스크립트, CSS, 웹 API, MathML 등 다양한 주제의 웹 개발 자료를 담고 있다.
출처: 위키백과
JavaScript — Dynamic client-side scripting
1. JavaScript first steps
- JavaScript first steps overview
- What is JavaScript?
- A first splash into JavaScript
- What went wrong? Troubleshooting JavaScript
- Storing the information you need — Variables
- Basic math in JavaScript — Numbers and operators
- Handling text — Strings in JavaScript
- Useful string methods
- Arrays
- Assessment: Silly story generator
2. JavaScript building blocks
- JavaScript building blocks overview
- Making decisions in your code — Conditionals
- Looping code
- Functions — Reusable blocks of code
- Build your own function
- Function return values
- Introduction to events
- Assessment: Image gallery
3. Introducing JavaScript objects
- Introducing JavaScript objects overview
- Object basics
- Object prototypes
- Object-oriented programming concepts
- Classes in JavaScript
- Working with JSON data
- Object building practice
- Assessment: Adding features to our bouncing balls demo
4. Asynchronous JavaScript
- Asynchronous JavaScript overview
- General asynchronous programming concepts
- Introducing asynchronous JavaScript
- Cooperative asynchronous JavaScript: Timeouts and intervals
- Graceful asynchronous programming with Promises
- Making asynchronous programming easier with async and await
- Choosing the right approach
5. Client-side web APIs
- Client-side web APIs
- Introduction to web APIs
- Manipulating documents
- Fetching data from the server
- Third party APIs
- Drawing graphics
- Video and audio APIs
- Client-side storage