Press and Hold

young·2022년 9월 13일

General Press and Hold Basics, 꾹 누르고 있기 과정.

  1. You press down on some UI element using your mouse or finger
    UI element를 마우스나 손가락으로 누른다.
  2. While the press is still active, you need to ensure you are holding the press.
    누르고 있을 때 누르기 기능이 활성화되는지 확인한다.
  3. Once you've held the press long enough, you fire an event to signal that this gesture was successfully completed
  4. When the press is released, you reset everything back to its original state
    손을 떼고 나서는 기존의 상태로 모든 것을 리셋한다.
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