HTML 빠르게 맛보기(CSS 한 방울 첨가)

김지수·2021년 2월 15일


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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    Hello World!
    <strong>Hello <u>World!</u></strong>
    <h1>This is Heading</h1>
    <h2>This is Heading</h2>
    <h3>This is Heading</h3>
    <h4>This is Heading</h4>
    <h5>This is Heading</h5>
    <h6>This is Heading</h6>
    HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the set of markup symbols or codes inserted into a file intended for display on the Internet. 
    <br><br><br>The markup tells web browsers how to display a web page's words and images.
    <p>HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the set of markup symbols or codes inserted into a file intended for display on the Internet. 
    The markup tells web browsers how to display a web page's words and images.</p>
    <p>HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the set of markup symbols or codes inserted into a file intended for display on the Internet. 
    The markup tells web browsers how to display a web page's words and images.</p>
    <p style="margin-top:45px;">HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the set of markup symbols or codes inserted into a file intended for display on the Internet. 
    The markup tells web browsers how to display a web page's words and images.</p>


tag 기능

<strong></strong> : 볼드체
<u></u>	: 밑줄
<h1~6></h1~6> : 헤드라인
<br> : 줄 바꿈
<p></p> : 단락(줄 바꿈과 기능 동일. 단락으로 구분하여 코드의 가독성 높아짐)
* <p> 태그 style="margin-top:45px" : 위쪽 여백 45픽셀(CSS : 스타일 시트 언어)
A Data human as a Learner, a Supporter, and a Listener

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