[ Information System Project ] System Design

·2023년 4월 18일

[ Information System ]

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Information System Project

- System Design

📌 Database Design

1️⃣ Definition of Database ( DB )

  • Database
    : A self-describing collection of integrated data.

2️⃣ Characteristics of DB

  • Real-time Accessibility
  • Continues Evolution
  • Concurrent Sharing
  • Content Reference

3️⃣ Sources of DB

  • Entity
    : 자료수집의 대상
  • Attributes
    : Entity 의 속성
  • Relationship
    : Entity 간 관계 ( = Table, = File )
  • Record
    : Field ( Attribute ) 집합체 ( 자료검색단위 )
  • Table ( file )
    : Record 집합체 ( 자료저장단위 )

📌 Database Management System

1️⃣ Definition of Data Modeling

  • Data Modeling
    : 현실 세계를 DBMS가 지원하는 논리적 Data 구조로 변환시키는 과정

2️⃣ E-R ( Entity-Relationship ) Modeling

  • Notation of E-R Modeling
    ▪️ Data entities
    ▪️ Relationships
    ▪️ Attributes

  • E-R Diagram
    : A logical, graphical representation of the entities, associations, data elements for an organization or business.

3️⃣ Sources of E-R Diagram

  • Entity
    : A person, place, object, event or concept in the user environment about which the organization wishes to maintain data.

  • Entity Type
    : A collection of entities that share common properties or characteristics.

  • Attribute
    : A named property or characteristic of entity.

  • Candidate keys
    : Attribute that uniquely identifies each instance of an entity type.

  • Identifiers
    : A candidate key that has been selected.

Selection Rules for an Identifier

▪️ Choose a candidate key that will not change its value.
▪️ Choose a candidate key that will never be null.
▪️ Avoid using intelligent keys.
▪️ Consider substituting single value surrogate keys for large composite keys.

  • Relationship
    : An association between the instances of one or more entity types.

    ▪️ Always labeled with verb phrases.

  • Degree
    : The number of entity types that participate in a relationship.

  • Cardinality
    : The number of instances of entity B that can be associated with each instance of entity A.

    ▪️ Minimum Cardinality
    : The minimum number of instances of entity B that may be associated with each instance of entity A.

    ▪️ Maximum Cardinality
    : The maximum number of instances of entity B that may be associated with each instance of entity A.

4️⃣ Transforming E-R Diagrams into Relations

  • Represent Entities
    ▪️ The value of the key must uniquely identify every row in the relation.
    ▪️ The key should be nonredundant.

 ⬇️ E-R Diagram

⬇️ Relation

  • Represent Relationships

    ⓐ Binary 1:N Relationships
    ✅ The key of parent relation must be placed in the child relation.

     ⬇️ E-R Diagram - 1:N

    ⬇️ Relation - 1:N

    ⓑ Binary or Unary 1:1 Relationships
    ✅ Needs Foreign key either way

    ⬇️ E-R Diagram - 1:1

    ⬇️ Relation - 1:1

    ⓒ Binary and Higher M:N Relationships
    ✅ Intersection Relation 작성 필요 : Stu-Class ( class-ID, student-ID )
    ✅ The key for intersection relation is always the combination of parent keys.

    ⬇️ E-R Diagram - M:N

    ⬇️ Relation - M:N


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