TIL 41 | Graph

CHAEINยท2021๋…„ 7์›” 31์ผ


๋ชฉ๋ก ๋ณด๊ธฐ

What is Graph

A graph is an abstract notation used to represent the connection between pairs of objects.

Make a graph

class Graph {
  constructor() {
    this.adjacencyList = {};

  addVertex(vertex) {
    if (!this.adjacencyList[vertex]) this.adjacencyList[vertex] = [];

Adding and edge

  • This function should accept two vertices, we can call them vertex1 and vertex 2
  • The function should find in the adjacency list the key of vertex1 and push vertex 2 to the array
  • The function should find in the adjacency list the key of vertex2 and push vertex1 to the array
addEdge(v1, v2) {

Removing an edge

  • This function should accept two vertices, we'll call them vertex1 and vertex2
  • The function should reassign the key of vertex1 to be an array that does not contain vertex2
  • The function should reassign the key of vertex2 to be an array that does not contain vertex1
  • Don't worry about handling errors/invalid vertices
removeEdge(v1, v2) {
    this.adjacencyList[v1] = this.adjacencyList[v1].filter((v) => v !== v2);
    this.adjacencyList[v2] = this.adjacencyList[v2].filter((v) => v !== v1);

Removing a vertex

  • This function should accept a vertex to remove
    • The function should loop as long as there are any other vertices in the adjacency list for that vertex
    • Inside of the loop, call our removeEdge function with the vertex we are removing and any values in the adjacency list for that vertex
    • Delete the key in the adjacency list for that vertex
removeVertex(vertex) {
    while (this.adjacencyList[vertex].length) {
      const adjacentVertex = this.adjacencyList[vertex].pop();
      this.removeEdge(vertex, adjacentVertex);
    delete this.adjacencyList[vertex];

DFS - recursive

  • The function should accept a starting node
  • Create a list to store the end result, to be returned at the very end
  • Create an object to store visited vertices
  • Create a helper function which accepts a vertex
    • The helper function should return early if the vertex is empty
    • The helper function should place the vertex it accepts into the visited object and push that vertex into the result array
    • Loop over all of the values in the adjacencyLst for that vertex
    • If any of those values have not been visited, recursively invoke the helper function with that vertex
  • Invoke the helper function with the starting vertex
  • return the result array
DFSRecursive(start) {
    const result = [];
    const visited = {};
    const adjacencyList = this.adjacencyList;

    (function dfs(vertex) {
      if (!vertex) return null;
      visited[vertex] = true;
      adjacencyList[vertex].forEach((neighbor) => {
        if (!visited[neighbor]) {
          return dfs(neighbor);
    return result;

DFS - iterative

  • The function should accept a starting node
  • Create a stack to help use keep track of vertices
  • Create a list to store the end result, to be returned at the very end
  • Create an object to store visited vertices
  • Add the starting vertex to the stack, and mark it visited
  • While the stack has something in itL
    • Pop the next vertex from the stack
    • If that vertex hasn't been visited yet:
    • Mark it as visited
    • add it to the result list
    • Pusth all of its neighbors in the stack
  • return the result array
DFSIterative(start) {
    const stack = [start];
    const result = [];
    const visited = {};
    let cur;

    visited[start] = true;
    while (stack.length) {
      cur = stack.pop();
      this.adjacencyList(cur).forEach((neighbor) => {
        if (!visited[neighbor]) {
          visited[neighbor] = true;
    return result;


  • This function should accept a starting vertex
  • Create a queue(you can use an array) and place the starting vertex in it
  • Create an array to store the nodes visited
  • Mark the starting vertex as visited
  • Loop as long as there is anything in the queue
  • Remove the first vertex from the queue and push it into the array that stores nodes visited
  • Loop over each vertex in the adjancency list for the vertex you are visiting
  • If it is not inside the object that stores nodes visited, mark it as visited and enqueue that vertex
  • Once you have finished looping, return the array of visited nodes
BFS(start) {
    const queue = [start];
    const result = [];
    const visited = {};
    visited[start] = true;
    let cur;

    while (queue.length) {
      cur = queue.shift();

      this.adjacencyList[cur].forEach((neighbor) => {
        if (!visited[neighbor]) {
          visited[neighbor] = true;
    return result;

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