Frontend Development: JavaScript Strict Mode

Peter Jeon·2023년 6월 24일

Frontend Development

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JavaScript Strict Mode

In the world of JavaScript, the concept of 'strict mode' is a fundamental aspect that every developer should understand. It's a way to opt into a restricted variant of JavaScript, thereby implicitly avoiding some common bugs.

What is Strict Mode?

Strict Mode

Strict mode is a feature in JavaScript that was introduced in ECMAScript 5 (ES5). It's a way to make JavaScript behave in a more predictable way, and it helps developers avoid some common pitfalls in their code.

"use strict";
var x = 3.14;

When you use strict mode, you're telling the JavaScript engine to be more strict when interpreting your code. This can help you catch errors earlier in the development process, and it can also prevent certain actions from being performed that could lead to bugs or difficult-to-understand behavior.

Why Use Strict Mode?

There are several reasons why you might want to use strict mode in your JavaScript code:

  1. Error Catching: Strict mode makes it easier to catch common coding mistakes and "unsafe" actions such as using undeclared variables.

  2. Debugging: Because strict mode catches errors earlier, it can make debugging your code easier.

  3. Preventing Future Issues: Some features of future versions of ECMAScript might be incompatible with code that doesn't use strict mode.

"use strict";
x = 3.14; // This will cause an error because x is not declared

How to Enable Strict Mode

Enabling strict mode in JavaScript is straightforward. You simply add the string "use strict"; to the top of your JavaScript file, or at the top of a function if you only want to enable strict mode for that function.

"use strict";
function myFunction() {
  y = 3.14;   // This will also cause an error because y is not declared


In conclusion, strict mode is a powerful tool in JavaScript that can help you write better, more reliable code. It catches errors earlier, prevents certain potentially problematic actions, and helps ensure that your code is compatible with future versions of ECMAScript. As a frontend developer, understanding and using strict mode is an important part of writing effective JavaScript code.

Comparison Table

FeatureWithout Strict ModeWith Strict Mode
Error CatchingLess EffectiveMore Effective
DebuggingMore DifficultEasier
Future CompatibilityPotential IssuesBetter Prepared
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