Frontend Development: Journey to HTTP/2

Peter Jeon·2023년 4월 13일

Frontend Development

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In this blog post, we'll explore the journey to HTTP/2, the latest version of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). We'll discuss the motivations behind its development, its key features, and its impact on frontend development.

The Evolution of HTTP

The Evolution of HTTP

The first version of HTTP, HTTP/0.9, was a simple protocol for transferring hypertext documents over the internet. As the web evolved, so did HTTP. The release of HTTP/1.0 brought several improvements, such as additional request methods and support for HTTP headers.

However, HTTP/1.1 became the standard for many years, introducing features like persistent connections, pipelining, and improved caching. Despite its longevity, HTTP/1.1 had performance limitations that led to the development of HTTP/2.

Motivations Behind HTTP/2

Motivations behind HTTP/2

HTTP/2 was designed to address some of the performance shortcomings of its predecessor. The primary motivations behind HTTP/2 include:

  1. Reducing latency: Latency is a major factor affecting web performance. HTTP/2 aimed to reduce latency by introducing multiplexing, header compression, and other optimizations.
  2. Improving resource utilization: HTTP/1.1 often required workarounds like domain sharding and image sprites to improve resource utilization. HTTP/2 sought to make these workarounds unnecessary.
  3. Maintaining backward compatibility: While introducing new features and optimizations, it was crucial to ensure that HTTP/2 remained compatible with existing web infrastructure.

Key Features of HTTP/2

Key features of HTTP/2

HTTP/2 introduced several new features to improve performance and resource utilization:

  1. Multiplexing: Multiple requests and responses can be sent simultaneously over a single connection, reducing the overhead of opening multiple connections.
  2. Stream prioritization: Clients can assign priorities to streams, allowing the server to allocate resources more efficiently.
  3. Header compression: HTTP/2 uses HPACK compression to reduce the size of request and response headers, minimizing bandwidth usage and latency.
  4. Server push: Servers can proactively send resources to clients before they are requested, potentially improving load times for subsequent page navigations.

Impact on Frontend Development

Impact on frontend development

The transition to HTTP/2 has had several implications for frontend development:

  1. Reduced reliance on workarounds: With HTTP/2, many HTTP/1.1 workarounds, such as domain sharding and image sprites, are no longer necessary. This simplifies the development process and reduces the potential for technical debt.
  2. Improved performance: The various optimizations introduced by HTTP/2 can lead to noticeable performance improvements for web applications, particularly on high-latency connections.
  3. Adoption of new best practices: As developers become more familiar with HTTP/2, new best practices have emerged, such as prioritizing critical resources and optimizing server push.


HTTP/2 has been a significant step forward in the evolution of the web, bringing numerous performance improvements and simplifying efficient and modern web applications.

As a growing developer, I am continually expanding my skillset and knowledge, embracing new challenges and technologies

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