CSS Flexible Box Layout, commonly known as Flexbox, is a CSS3 web layout model. It's designed as a one-dimensional layout model, and it can offer more flexible behavior than more traditional layout systems, such as inline block or floats.
A flex container expands items to fill available free space or shrinks them to prevent overflow. Here's how to create a basic flex container:
.container {
display: flex;
This makes the container a flex container and its direct children become flex items.
The flex-direction property determines the main axis of your flex container. It defines how flex items are placed in the flex container. It accepts four different values:
.container {
flex-direction: row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse;
The flex-wrap property allows the items to wrap as needed with this property:
.container {
flex-wrap: nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse;
Flexbox provides properties to align and justify content.
justify-content aligns items along the main axis:
.container {
justify-content: flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around;
align-items aligns items along the cross axis:
.container {
align-items: flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch;
Flex items have properties too, such as flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis:
.item {
flex-grow: 4; /* default 0 */
flex-shrink: 3; /* default 1 */
flex-basis: 200px; /* default auto */
These properties allow for further fine-grained control over the layout.
Flexbox is a powerful one-dimensional layout tool that makes it easy to create complex layouts in CSS. It provides more flexibility and control than traditional layout methods, making it an essential part of modern frontend development. From handling different screen sizes to aligning content, mastering Flexbox is a crucial skill for any frontend developer.