Vanilla JavaScript vs. jQuery: A Comprehensive Comparison for 2023

Peter Jeon·2023년 4월 11일

Frontend Development

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FeatureVanilla JavaScriptjQuery
PerformanceGenerally faster due to optimized native APIsSlower due to abstraction and simplification
File Size & Load TimesNo additional libraries, resulting in smaller sizeRequires additional library, increasing size
Browser CompatibilityImproved support in modern browsers; use feature detection and polyfills when neededInitially developed for cross-browser compatibility; still useful for older browsers
SyntaxNative JavaScript syntaxSimplified syntax provided by jQuery
Learning CurveSolid understanding required; many resources availableEasier to learn, extensive documentation
Community SupportGrowing community, numerous resources and tutorialsLarge community, well-established resources


In the world of web development, choosing the right tools can significantly impact the performance and maintainability of your applications. One of the most common debates is whether to use Vanilla JavaScript or jQuery. In this article, we'll compare these two options and provide insights to help you decide which is the best choice for your projects in 2023.

Overview of Vanilla JavaScript and jQuery


Vanilla JavaScript refers to the core language itself, without relying on any external libraries or frameworks. It is the foundation of web development and provides a powerful, flexible, and high-performance toolset for building web applications.

On the other hand, jQuery is a popular JavaScript library that simplifies tasks like DOM manipulation, event handling, and AJAX. It gained popularity due to its ease of use, extensive documentation, and cross-browser compatibility.

Performance Comparison


One of the main concerns when choosing between Vanilla JavaScript and jQuery is performance. jQuery's abstraction and simplification come at the cost of performance. As browsers have evolved, the native JavaScript APIs have become more optimized, making Vanilla JavaScript a faster option in many cases.

// Vanilla JavaScript
const element = document.querySelector('.my-class');

// jQuery
const element = $('.my-class');

File Size and Load Times

Another factor to consider is the impact on file size and load times. jQuery adds an additional dependency to your project, increasing the overall file size. In contrast, using Vanilla JavaScript doesn't require any additional libraries, keeping your application lightweight and potentially reducing load times.

Browser Compatibility

jQuery was initially developed to address inconsistencies between browsers, making it easier to write cross-browser compatible code. However, modern browsers have significantly improved their support for JavaScript standards, reducing the need for jQuery's compatibility layer. By using feature detection and polyfills, you can achieve similar cross-browser compatibility with Vanilla JavaScript.

Learning Curve and Community Support

jQuery's simplified syntax and extensive documentation have made it an accessible option for many developers. However, it's essential to have a solid understanding of Vanilla JavaScript to fully leverage jQuery's capabilities and write efficient code.

The Vanilla JavaScript community has grown significantly over the years, with countless resources, tutorials, and support available. As a result, the learning curve for Vanilla JavaScript is now more manageable than ever before.


Choosing between Vanilla JavaScript and jQuery depends on your project requirements, performance goals, and personal preferences. While jQuery offers convenience and simplicity, Vanilla JavaScript provides better performance, reduced file size, and a more future-proof solution.

In 2023, with modern browser support and the wealth of resources available, it's worth considering Vanilla JavaScript as your go-to choice for web development. However, if you're working on a legacy project or require jQuery's specific features, it can still be a valuable tool.

As a growing developer, I am continually expanding my skillset and knowledge, embracing new challenges and technologies

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