GraphQL API 만들기~

hwakyungChoi·2021년 1월 27일
import { Field, ObjectType } from "@nestjs/graphql";

// our sample API needs to be able to fetch a list of authors and their posts, so we should define the Author type and Post type to support this functionality.

// If we were using the schema first approach, we'd define such a schema with SDL like this:

export class Restaurant {
    @Field(type => String)
    name: string;
    @Field(type => Boolean)
    isVegan: boolean;
    @Field(type => String)
    address: string;
    @Field(type => String)
    ownersName: string;

import { ArgsType, Field } from "@nestjs/graphql";
import { IsBoolean, IsString, Length } from "class-validator"

// argstype 정리
export class CreateRestaurantDto {
    @Field(type => String)
    @Length(5, 10)
    name: string;

    @Field(type => Boolean)
    isVegan: boolean;

    @Field(type => String)
    address: string;

    @Field(type => String)
    ownersName: string;

// restaurants.resolver.ts
import { Args, Mutation, Query, Resolver } from "@nestjs/graphql";
import { CreateRestaurantDto } from "./dtos/create-restaurant.dto";
import { Restaurant } from "./entities/restaurant.entity";
//graphql 에서  인자값을 지정할 수 있게 함
@Resolver(of => Restaurant)
export class RestaurantResolver {
    @Query(returns => [Restaurant])
    restaurants(@Args("veganOnly") veganOnly: boolean): Restaurant[] {
        return [];

    @Mutation(returns => Boolean)
    createRestaurant(@Args() createRestaurantDto: CreateRestaurantDto): boolean {

        return true;

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