What is coding? [Definition] [Types] [Uses] [Learn]

Pure Coders·2020년 9월 9일

Coding is in general the way that we communicate with our computers. When I say computers, don’t just think about the types of laptops and desktops that we have.

Any type of complex technology. There are computers in our cars there are computers in our phones in our smart homes, there are computers in the little credit card swipe machines that we use at the grocery store, so any kind of digital device that you have that completes some type of authorization for you – that should be considered a computer. And it takes lines of code to tell those devices what to do. I mean code is something that is used in so many places that you might not realize anywhere from like the small calculators that you use or your cell phone up into like rocket-science and making sure that spaceships are going where they’re supposed to go and operating the way that they are supposed to operate.

Coding is used for all of that and a programming language or coding language is that bridge between what the computer understands and what we can learn and understand ourselves instead of learning like binary language which is like ones and zeros only so I mean who wants to do that. So coding languages just make it a little simpler and easy for you to be able to communicate with your computer and tell it what to do.

What is Coding In Simple Word
Coding is completely similar to what we do in our daily life. Are you wondering? Imagine, Bob was walking through the route it was a beautiful day suddenly Bob see a path hole in front of him he jumped across the path hole and resumed his walking we all will do the same action.

but if it was a Newborn baby, Baby he won’t know what to do just like a baby computer doesn’t know what to do when he finds a path hole in front of him so we should teach the computer to jump.

if he sees a path hole the way of teaching the computer is coding let’s teach computer simply we teach the baby like if you see a path hole jump across it. whereas in the computer if see a path hole jump across it else walk so coding is a set of instructions that a computer can understand code is all around you like watching youtube video using an Instagram Facebook debit card or anything that uses a battery or what gives intelligence for an airplane to fly all are happening by the help of code this is what coding is for communication we use different languages like English Malayalam cetera just like using different language computer to uses different language to communicate with us that is the programming language.

Programmer | Blogger

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