Prefix-Free Encoding

Pyro·2021년 10월 2일


목록 보기


숫자가 아닌 임의의 객체를 인코딩하려면 2가지 조건이 필요하다.
하나는 인코딩 함수가 one-to-one 이어야 한다는 것과,
두번째는 Prefix-Free 이어야 한다는 것이다.

One-To-One 이 필요한 이유는 매우 직관적이다.
One-To-One 이 아니라면 Decoding 이 불가능하기 때문이다.

Prefix-Free 가 필요한 이유는 여러개의 객체를 tuple 로 묶어서 인코딩을 하기 위해서이다.
만약 Prefix-Free 하지 않는다면, 여러개의 객체를 하나의 bit string 으로 표현하는 인코딩 함수가
one-to-one 이 아니게 되어서, Decoding 이 불가능할수도 있다.

Definition 2.17 (Prefix free encoding)

y,yy,y': string
yy is a prefix of yy' if
yy|y| \leq |y'| and i<y\forall i<|y|, yi=yiy'_i = y_i

O\mathcal{O} : non-empty set
E:O{0,1}E:\mathcal{O} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^* : function
E is prefix free if
E(o),oOE(o) \neq \emptyset, \forall o \in \mathcal{O} and
\nexists distinct objects o,oOo,o' \in \mathcal{O} s.t E(o)E(o) is a prefix of E(o)E(o')

Theorem 2.18 (Prefix-free implies tuple encoding)

E:O{0,1}E:\mathcal{O} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^* is prefix-free
Define E:O{0,1}\overline{E}:\mathcal{O}^* \rightarrow \{0,1\}^* as follows:
o0,,ok1O\forall o_0,\ldots,o_{k-1} \in \mathcal{O}^*

E(o0,,ok1)=E(o0)E(o1)E(ok1)  \overline{E}(o_0,\ldots,o_{k-1}) = E(o_0)E(o_1) \cdots E(o_{k-1}) \;

Then, E\overline{E} is one to one.


Suppose E\overline{E} is not one to one.
\Rightarrow \exists distinct tuples (o0,,ok1)(o_0,\ldots,o_{k-1}), (o0,,ok1)(o'_0,\ldots,o'_{k'-1}) s.t

E(o0,,ok1)=E(o0,,ok1)=x{0,1}\overline{E}(o_0,\ldots,o_{k-1}) = \overline{E}(o'_0,\ldots,o'_{k'-1}) = \overline{x} \in \{0,1\}^*

Let ii be the first index s.t oioio_i \neq o'_i
Then, xj=E(oj)=E(oj)x_j = E(o_j) = E(o'_j) for j{0,1,2,i1}\forall j \in \{0, 1, 2, \dots i-1\}.

x=E(o0,,ok1)=x0xi1E(oi)E(oi+1)E(ok1)\overline{x} = \overline{E}(o_0,\ldots,o_{k-1}) = x_0\cdots x_{i-1} E(o_i) E(o_{i+1}) \cdots E(o_{k-1})
=E(o0,,ok1)=x0xi1E(oi)E(oi+1)E(ok1)= \overline{E}(o'_0,\ldots,o'_{k'-1}) = x_0\cdots x_{i-1} E(o'_i) E(o'_{i+1}) \cdots E(o'_{k'-1})

E(oi)E(ok1)=E(oi)E(ok1)\therefore E(o_i) \cdots E(o_{k-1}) = E(o'_i) \cdots E(o'_{k'-1})
This means that one of E(oi)E(o_i) and E(oi)E(o'_i) must be a prefix of the other.
This contradicts to "E is prefix-free".
Proved by contradiction.

Lemma 2.20

E:O{0,1}E:\mathcal{O} \rightarrow \{0,1\}^* is one-to-one. Then,
\exists one-to-one prefix-free encoding E\overline{E} s.t E(o)2E(o)+2|\overline{E}(o)| \leq 2|E(o)|+2 for oO\forall o\in \mathcal{O}.


Double every bit in the string xx (0000 \mapsto 00, 1111 \mapsto 11)
and mark the end of the string by concatenating to it the pair 0101.
Then, E(x)E(x)E(x) \neq E(x') for xx\forall x \neq x'

Define a function PF:{0,1}{0,1}PF:\{0,1\}^* \rightarrow \{0,1\}^* for x{0,1}x\in \{0,1\}^* as follows:

PF(x)=x0x0x1x1xn1xn101PF(x)=x_0 x_0 x_1 x_1 \ldots x_{n-1}x_{n-1}01

We want to show E(o)=PF(E(o))\overline{E}(o)=PF(E(o)) is an prefix-free encoding.

(1) E\overline{E} is encoding

EE is one-to-one and PFPF is one-to-one.
Then, E=PFE\overline{E}=PF \circ E is also one-to-one
\therefore E\overline{E} is encoding.

(2) E\overline{E} is prefix-free

E\overline{E} is prefix-free
\Leftrightarrow E(o)\overline{E}(o) is not a prefix of E(o)\overline{E}(o') for
\forall distinct object o,oOo, o' \in \mathcal{O}

Suppose E(o)\overline{E}(o) is a prefix of E(o)\overline{E}(o') for some distinct o,oOo, o' \in \mathcal{O}
Let x=E(o)x = E(o), x=E(o)x'=E(o').
Since EE is one-to-one, xxx \neq x'.

(i) x<x|x|<|x'|
the two bits in positions 2x2|x| in PF(x)PF(x) will be 0101
but two bits in positions 2x2|x| in PF(x)PF(x') will be 0000 or 1111
\Rightarrow PF(x)PF(x) and PF(x)PF(x') differ in the coordinates 2x,2x+12|x|, 2|x|+1
PF(x)\therefore PF(x) cannot be a prefix of PF(x)PF(x').

(ii) x=x|x|=|x'|
Since xxx \neq x', \exists coordinate ii in which they differ.
\Rightarrow PF(x)PF(x) and PF(x)PF(x') differ in the coordinates 2i,2i+12i,2i+1
\therefore PF(x)PF(x) cannot be a prefix of PF(x)PF(x').

(iii) x>x|x|>|x'|
then PF(x)=2x+2>PF(x)=2x+2|PF(x)|=2|x|+2>|PF(x')|=2|x'|+2.
\Rightarrow PF(x)PF(x) is longer than PF(x)PF(x').
PF(x)\therefore PF(x) cannot be a prefix of PF(x)PF(x').

Therefore, PF(x)=E(o)PF(x)=\overline{E}(o) is not a prefix of PF(x)=E(o)PF(x')=\overline{E}(o') for o,oO\forall o, o' \in \mathcal{O}.
Hence, completing the proof.

dreams of chronic and sustained passion

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