I summarized from series 01 to 06 as source code.
What a kind blogger I am. (start a rumor here)
# Initial Code
from dotenv import dotenv_values
from notion_client import Client
config = dotenv_values(".env")
notion_secret = config.get('NOTION_TOKEN')
notion = Client(auth=notion_secret)
# Read every page from Bot and can regulate page_size value from your preference
pages = notion.search(filter={"property": "object", "value": "page"}, page_size=10)
cursor_id = pages['next_cursor']
while pages['has_more']:
pages = notion.search(filter={"property": "object", "value": "page"},
start_cursor=cursor_id, page_size=10)
if pages['has_more']:
cursor_id = pages['next_cursor']
# Change the content in the block
# Below page_id means page's id, which needs to update from notion.search
page_id = '2c9258e1-43ed-4713-8895-123d42268d2f'
block_list = notion.blocks.children.list(block_id=page_id)
# Bring the plain_text value and change the value that I want from first block, order is [0]
# Bring the id and rich_text info
target_block_id = block_list['results'][0]['id']
rich_text_temp = block_list['results'][0]['paragraph']['rich_text']
# Bring the plain_text value and change the value that I want
text_value = rich_text_temp[0]['plain_text']
text_value = text_value.replace('페퍼로니', '크러스트')
# Changed plain_text and text value to reflect the content
rich_text_temp[0]['plain_text'] = text_value
rich_text_temp[0]['text']['content'] = text_value
# Bind as dictionary type음
rich_text = {}
rich_text['rich_text'] = rich_text_temp
# Update to target_block_id with changed rich_text value
notion.blocks.update(block_id=target_block_id, paragraph=rich_text)