- Managing multiple DML (Data Manipulation Language) statements as a single logical unit of work.
- Ensures consistency of work by processing using an "All or Nothing" approach.
- In web applications, each method in the Service class performs a unit of functionality for the application.
Examples of Functionality Bundled for Processing in Web Applications
- When viewing a post in a bulletin board, the functionality to retrieve the post and update the view count.
- When placing an order in an online store, the functionality to register the ordered item and update the buyer's points.
- When performing a fund transfer in a bank, the functionality to update the sender's and receiver's balances.
Before Applying Transactions: Bank Account Transfer
- Ex. If both Hong Gil-dong and Kim Yu-shin's account balances are updated successfully, the changes are finally committed.
- If any issue arises in between, all previous operations are rolled back.
Various Transaction Attributes in Spring
Possible Values for the propagation Attribute
Possible Values for the isolation Attribute
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