[Studies] Spring MVC Features

명원식·2023년 8월 11일


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Spring MVC Features

Characteristics of Spring Framework MVC:
Spring Framework provides various functionalities pre-built for web application development.
One of these functionalities is the MVC (Model-View-Controller) feature.
Once you become familiar with how to use the features provided by Spring, you can conveniently utilize the MVC functionality without the need to create it from scratch.

Features of MVC Functionality Supported by Spring:

• Supports Model 2 architecture.
• Easy integration with other modules within Spring.
• Seamless integration with View technologies like Tiles or SiteMesh.
• Simplified implementation of tasks such as message output, theme application, and form rendering through tag libraries.

With Spring, application development becomes convenient as it provides widely used Model 2-based MVC functionality. Additionally, it offers seamless integration with screen-related frameworks like Tiles or SiteMesh.

Spring Framework's MVC Structure

Spring Framework MVC Structure Components

Execution Process of Each MVC Component

  1. The browser accesses the DispatcherServlet via a URL and sends the corresponding request information.
  2. The HandlerMapping checks if there is a mapped controller for the requested URL.
  3. The mapped controller is invoked to process the request.
  4. The controller processes the client's request and stores the result and View name in a ModelAndView, which is returned to the DispatcherServlet.
  5. The DispatcherServlet forwards the View name to the ViewResolver to retrieve the appropriate View.
  6. The ViewResolver returns the requested View.
  7. The View processes the result and sends it back to the DispatcherServlet.
  8. The DispatcherServlet sends the final result to the browser.

Note: This description outlines the sequence of actions performed by each component in processing an MVC request in Spring Framework.

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