Datatable - Search () api

boingboing·2022년 3월 23일
  • The ability to search a table for data is core to the concept of DataTables, as it allows data to be easily accessed by users.
  • This method provides the ability to control the global search of a table through the API.

  • The global search is performed across / all searchable columns (see columns.searchable to disable searching for certain columns).

  • Searching on individual columns can be performed using the columns().search() and column().search() methods.

  • Please be aware that this method sets the search to apply to the table only

  • it does not actually perform the search.

  • In order to have the search performed and the result shown, use the draw() method, which can be called simply as a chained method of the search() method's returned object - for example 'Fred' ).draw();. This is to provide the ability to queue multiple changes before performing a draw.

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