데이터테이블 컬럼필터링 적용 문제

boingboing·2022년 3월 22일

Column filtering

  • FixedHeader의 예제 중 하나


적용 문제..


  • This example demonstrates FixedHeader being used with individual column filters,

  • placed into a second row of the table's header (using $().clone()).

  • initComplete라는 콜백 조건을 사용하는데,
    It can often be useful to know when your table has fully been initialised, data loaded and drawn, particularly when using an ajax data source.
    In such a case, the table will complete its initial run before the data has been loaded (Ajax is asynchronous after all!)

  • so this callback is provided to let you know when the data is fully loaded.

Additionally the callback is passed in the JSON data received from the server when Ajax loading data, which can be useful for configuring components connected to your table, for example Editor fields.

  • 기본 예제 테이블로는 column filtering 잘됨

  • 내 테이블로 컬럼 필터링이 안된다!!

  • 헤더까진 제대로 된다.

  • 검색 input에 넣으면 검색이 않된다.

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