Overview of ElasticSearch

이상민·2021년 4월 24일

1. ElasticSearch

open source analytics & search engine

  • Search
  • Application Performance Management
  • Send events
  • Analyze data (ex. predict sale, anomality detection)

2. How ElasticSearch Works

  • data stored as documents

  • document : json object = row in RDB

    "field name": "field value"
  • query through REST api
  • written in java

3. Elastic Stack Overview

3-1. Kibana : analytics & visualization platform

  • also with machine learning
  • web interface for elasticsearch
  • provides dashboards

3-2. Logstash : data processing pipeline

  • data received as events, process and send to others
  • input plugins : files, http, sql, etc
  • filter plugins : csv, xml, json, data enrichment, etc
  • output plugins : elasticsearch, email, http, etc

ex) process access log from web server

  1. Logstash reads logs as events

  2. process logs w/ something like regular expression

  3. send processed logs to ElasticSearch

3-3. X-Pack : additional features to elasticsearch & kibana

  • Security : authentication and authorization
  • Monitoring : CPU usage, disk space
  • Alerting : configurable using other features
  • Reporting : export Kibana visualizations to pdf, csv, etc
  • Machine Learning : for Elasticsearch & Kibana
  • Graph : analyze relationships in data
  • SQL : query elasticsearch with sql

3-4. Beats : collect data and send to ElasticSearch & Logstash

  • Filebeat : collect log files

  • Metricbeat : collect system and service metrics

4. Common ElasticSearch Architectures

4-1. E-commerce Application

Data in a RDB, wants to Improve search to be full-text search

  • Send user search to elasticsearch through web app server

  • Duplicate data on RDB and ElasticSearch
  • Simplest architecture of elasticsearch

4-2. Visualize Data

  • add Kibana to communicate with ElasticSearch

4-3. Monitor Server Metrics

  • install metircbeats on web app server
  • Kibana config is stored within ElasticSearch, so metricbeats data sent to ElasticSearch can easily be put on dashboard

4-4. Monitor Acess and Error Logs

  • how long it takes to process each input? (monitor endpoints)

  • how to keep bugs to minimum?

    --> use Filebeat

4-5. More Advanced Event Processing

  • Doing it within web app decreases maintainability

    --> use Logstash

  • In a perfect world, all events go through Logstash
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