no named functions.
a function expression that is usually assigned to a variable
function(){ return "hello" }
const hello = function(){ return "hello" }
passing function as parameter
setTimeout(function() { return "hello" }
constuctor function , factory function etc
come with their own name
function hello(){} -factory
function Person(n){ =n } -constructor
functions inside the object
const me= { hello:function(){} }
from : const hello = function () { return "hello" } // hello()
to : const hello = () =>{ return "hello" } //hello()
const hello = (name)=>{ return `hello ${name}` } //hello(Hawook)
const hello = (firstname , lastname)=>{
return `hello ${firstname},${lastname}` } //hello(hawook, jeong)
from : setTimeout(function(){console.log("hello"),1000}
to : setTimeout( ()=>{console.log("hello),1000}
from: function hello(){console.log("hello")}
to: hello()=>{console.log("hello")} //XXX arrow function is always anonymous.
it cant have named functions
thus: const hello = () => { return "hello" }
Benefits : 가독성 : shorter, simpler
Binding, this 의 scope :
const me ={ name:"hawook",
talk: function(){ return this},
arrowTalk: ()=> { return this}
} //me에대한 모든것
me.arrowTalk() //global this
arrow functions don't bind their own scope, but inherit it from the parent one, which in this case is window or the global object.
const me ={
talk() { setTimeout(()=>{
console.log( }, 100) }
} //잘나옴. talk()가 me를 보고 있기때문.
functions added to prototype XX -아직 이해X
function Person(n) { } = function(){ return this }
Dont use Arrow Functions for
1.Object methods = this
2.Prototypes = 공부중
3.Constructors = named functions
4.Event handlers = this