[NLP] BLEU Score

Sejin Jeong·2023년 1월 5일


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BLEU: a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation (a.k.a. BLEU score)

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This page is posted for explaining the BLEU score.

BLEU Score (BiLingual Evaluation Understudy)

1. What is the 'BLEU Score'?

  • Evaluation metrics in Translation, Summarization, and similar NLG(Natural Language Generation) tasks.

  • Translation Evaluatation

  • Summarization Evaluatation

2. How to evaluate BLEU Score.

(1) N-gram precision

  • Evaluate how much machine-translation and human-transalation overlap by n-gram (n = 1~4).
  • Machine - translation : 빛이 쐬는 노인은 완벽한 어두운곳에서 잠든 사람과 비교할 때 강박증이 심해질 기회가 훨씬 높았다
  • Human - transalation : 빛이 쐬는 사람은 완벽한 어둠에서 잠든 사람과 비교할 때 우울증이 심해질 가능성이 훨씬 높았다

(2) Modified Uni-gram precision

1) Clipping

  • Correct the overfitting when the same word occurs consecutively.
  • Machine - translation : The more decomposition the more flavor the food has
  • Human - transalation : The more the merrier I always say

2) Brevity Penalty

  • Correct the overfitting about sentence length.
  • Machine - translation : 빛이 쐬는 노인은 완벽한 어두운곳에서 잠듬
  • Human - transalation : 빛이 쐬는 사람은 완벽한 어둠에서 잠든 사람과 비교할 때 우울증이 심해질 가능성이 훨씬 높았다

(3) Modified N-gram precision

(4) BLEU Score

  • Machine - translation : 빛이 쐬는 노인은 완벽한 어두운곳에서 잠든 사람과 비교할 때 강박증이 심해질 기회가 훨씬 높았다
  • Human - transalation : 빛이 쐬는 사람은 완벽한 어둠에서 잠든 사람과 비교할 때 우울증이 심해질 가능성이 훨씬 높았다

    score result
print(min(1, 14/14) * (10/14 * 5/13 * 2/12 * 1/11)**(1/4))
(result) 0.25400289715190977

Source Code

import numpy as np
from collections import Counter
from nltk import ngrams

# n-gram count in tokens of sentence
def simple_count(tokens, n):
    return Counter(ngrams(tokens, n))
# n-gram clipping count in tokens of sentence
def count_clip(candidate, reference_list, n):
    ca_cnt = simple_count(candidate, n)
    max_ref_cnt_dict = dict()
    for ref in reference_list: 
        ref_cnt = simple_count(ref, n)
        for n_gram in ref_cnt: 
            if n_gram in max_ref_cnt_dict:
                max_ref_cnt_dict[n_gram] = max(ref_cnt[n_gram], max_ref_cnt_dict[n_gram])
                max_ref_cnt_dict[n_gram] = ref_cnt[n_gram]
    return {
        n_gram: min(ca_cnt.get(n_gram, 0), max_ref_cnt_dict.get(n_gram, 0)) for n_gram in ca_cnt
# modified unigram precision
def modified_precision(candidate, reference_list, n):
    clip_cnt = count_clip(candidate, reference_list, n) 
    total_clip_cnt = sum(clip_cnt.values())

    cnt = simple_count(candidate, n)
    total_cnt = sum(cnt.values())

    if total_cnt == 0: 
        total_cnt = 1

    return (total_clip_cnt / total_cnt)
# return the closest reference length with cadidate
def closest_ref_length(candidate, reference_list):
    ca_len = len(candidate)
    ref_lens = (len(ref) for ref in reference_list)
    closest_ref_len = min(ref_lens, key=lambda ref_len: (abs(ref_len - ca_len), ref_len))
    return closest_ref_len
# brevity_penalty
def brevity_penalty(candidate, reference_list):
    ca_len = len(candidate)
    ref_len = closest_ref_length(candidate, reference_list)
    if ca_len > ref_len:
        return 1

    elif ca_len == 0 :
        return 0
        return np.exp(1 - ref_len/ca_len)
# bleu score
def bleu_score(candidate, reference_list, weights=[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]):
    bp = brevity_penalty(candidate, reference_list)

    p_n = [modified_precision(candidate, reference_list, n=n) for n, _ in enumerate(weights,start=1)] 
    score = np.sum([w_i * np.log(p_i) if p_i != 0 else 0 for w_i, p_i in zip(weights, p_n)])
    return bp * np.exp(score)
candidate = '빛이 쐬는 노인은 완벽한 어두운곳에서 잠든 사람과 비교할 때 강박증이 심해질 기회가 훨씬 높았다'
references = [
    '빛이 쐬는 사람은 완벽한 어둠에서 잠든 사람과 비교할 때 우울증이 심해질 가능성이 훨씬 높았다'

print('BLEU Score :', bleu_score(candidate.split(),list(map(lambda ref: ref.split(), references))))
(result) BLEU Score: 0.25400289715190977
import nltk.translate.bleu_score as bleu

candidate = '빛이 쐬는 노인은 완벽한 어두운곳에서 잠든 사람과 비교할 때 강박증이 심해질 기회가 훨씬 높았다'
references = [
    '빛이 쐬는 사람은 완벽한 어둠에서 잠든 사람과 비교할 때 우울증이 심해질 가능성이 훨씬 높았다'

print('BLEU Score 0f NLTK :', bleu.sentence_bleu(list(map(lambda ref: ref.split(), references)),candidate.split()))
(result) BLEU Score 0f NLTK : 0.25400289715190977


Soli Deo Gloria. / Sapere Aude.

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