Birds400 - EfficientNet

Bomin Seo·2022년 8월 12일


모델의 성능을 높이는 방법

  • network의 depth를 깊게 만드는 것
  • channel width(filter 개수)를 늘리는 것
  • input image의 해상도를 올리는 것


  • 모델의 성능을 높이는 방법에 관여하는 depth, width, resolution을 compound coefficient를 통해 상관 관계를 가지는 식을 통해 효율적인 조합을 찾는다.
  • 기존의 모델들보다 적은 FLOPS(계산량)으로 더 좋은 성능을 낸다.

Efficientnet B0 ~ B7의 차이

  • B0에서 b7으로 갈수록 Compound scaling을 통한 데이터의 사이즈가 커진다.
  • Efficientnet b0의 경우 α=1,β=1로 설정되어있으며 매개 변수는 4.5M

매개 변수 설정

batch size = 16

  • orange curve : batch size 64
  • Blue curves: batch size 256
  • Purple curves: batch size 1024
  • 통계적으로 적은 batch size를 가질수록 훈련시간은 오래 걸리지만 성능에 있어 향상이 있었기에 기존 batch size 32에서 16으로 축소

data set 분할

  • train : valid set data를 0.95 : 0.05로 분할
data = datasets.ImageFolder(data_dir)
train_size = int(len(data)*0.95)
val_size = int((len(data)-train_size))
train_data,val_data = random_split(data,[train_size,val_size])
print(f'train size: {len(train_data)}\nval size: {len(val_data)}')

Efficient Net B0 model

class MBConv(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_, out_, expand,
                 kernel_size, stride, skip,
                 se_ratio, dc_ratio=0.2):
        mid_ = in_ * expand
        self.expand_conv = conv_bn_act(in_, mid_, kernel_size=1, bias=False) if expand != 1 else nn.Identity()

        self.depth_wise_conv = conv_bn_act(mid_, mid_,
                                           kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride,
                                           groups=mid_, bias=False) = SEModule(mid_, int(in_ * se_ratio)) if se_ratio > 0 else nn.Identity()

        self.project_conv = nn.Sequential(
            SamePadConv2d(mid_, out_, kernel_size=1, stride=1, bias=False),
            nn.BatchNorm2d(out_, 1e-3, 0.01)

        # if _block_args.id_skip:
        # and all(s == 1 for s in self._block_args.strides)
        # and self._block_args.input_filters == self._block_args.output_filters:
        self.skip = skip and (stride == 1) and (in_ == out_)

        # DropConnect
        # self.dropconnect = DropConnect(dc_ratio) if dc_ratio > 0 else nn.Identity()
        # Original TF Repo not using drop_rate
        self.dropconnect = nn.Identity()

    def forward(self, inputs):
        expand = self.expand_conv(inputs)
        x = self.depth_wise_conv(expand)
        x =
        x = self.project_conv(x)
        if self.skip:
            x = self.dropconnect(x)
            x = x + inputs
        return x

class MBBlock(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_, out_, expand, kernel, stride, num_repeat, skip, se_ratio, drop_connect_ratio=0.2):
        layers = [MBConv(in_, out_, expand, kernel, stride, skip, se_ratio, drop_connect_ratio)]
        for i in range(1, num_repeat):
            layers.append(MBConv(out_, out_, expand, kernel, 1, skip, se_ratio, drop_connect_ratio))
        self.layers = nn.Sequential(*layers)

    def forward(self, x):
        return self.layers(x)

class EfficientNet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, width_coeff, depth_coeff,
                 depth_div=8, min_depth=None,
                 dropout_rate=0.2, drop_connect_rate=0.2,
        min_depth = min_depth or depth_div
        def renew_ch(x):
            if not width_coeff:
                return x

            x *= width_coeff
            new_x = max(min_depth, int(x + depth_div / 2) // depth_div * depth_div)
            if new_x < 0.9 * x:
                new_x += depth_div
            return int(new_x)

        def renew_repeat(x):
            return int(math.ceil(x * depth_coeff))

        self.stem = conv_bn_act(3, renew_ch(32), kernel_size=3, stride=2, bias=False)
        self.blocks = nn.Sequential(
            #       input channel  output    expand  k  s                   skip  se
            MBBlock(renew_ch(32), renew_ch(16), 1, 3, 1, renew_repeat(1), True, 0.25, drop_connect_rate),
            MBBlock(renew_ch(16), renew_ch(24), 6, 3, 2, renew_repeat(2), True, 0.25, drop_connect_rate),
            MBBlock(renew_ch(24), renew_ch(40), 6, 5, 2, renew_repeat(2), True, 0.25, drop_connect_rate),
            MBBlock(renew_ch(40), renew_ch(80), 6, 3, 2, renew_repeat(3), True, 0.25, drop_connect_rate),
            MBBlock(renew_ch(80), renew_ch(112), 6, 5, 1, renew_repeat(3), True, 0.25, drop_connect_rate),
            MBBlock(renew_ch(112), renew_ch(192), 6, 5, 2, renew_repeat(4), True, 0.25, drop_connect_rate),
            MBBlock(renew_ch(192), renew_ch(320), 6, 3, 1, renew_repeat(1), True, 0.25, drop_connect_rate)

        self.head = nn.Sequential(
            *conv_bn_act(renew_ch(320), renew_ch(1280), kernel_size=1, bias=False),
            nn.Dropout2d(dropout_rate, True) if dropout_rate > 0 else nn.Identity(),
            nn.Linear(renew_ch(1280), num_classes)


    def init_weights(self):
        for m in self.modules():
            if isinstance(m, SamePadConv2d):
                nn.init.kaiming_normal_(m.weight, mode="fan_out")
            elif isinstance(m, nn.Linear):
                init_range = 1.0 / math.sqrt(m.weight.shape[1])
                nn.init.uniform_(m.weight, -init_range, init_range)

    def forward(self, inputs):
        stem = self.stem(inputs)
        x = self.blocks(stem)
        head = self.head(x)
        return head

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