1. Introduction
Suggesting Local Implicit representation for Super resolution of Arbitrary scale(LISA), which can obtain a continuous representation of audio and enable super resolution for arbitrary scale factor. (Current approaches treat audio as discrete data)
Corresponds each chunk of audio to a latent code parameterizing a local input signal around the chunk. -> Don't get it. Isn't local input the chunk?
Takes 1. a continuous time coordinate and 2. the neighboring set of latent codes around the coordinate, and predicts the value of signal at the coordinate
- Down sample to the input resolution.
- Generate super resolution tasks of random scale up to the original resolution.
- Use a stochastic measure of audio discrepancy between entire reconstructed and original signals in waveform and spectrogram
- Closer discrepancy gets higher random weight
Thus, local latent code of a chunk captures a characteristic of the global audio signal, while focuses on the local signal around the chunk. -> HOW?
Having the local implicit representation in terms of the low latency and the arbitrary scale factor as input audio is often streaming in audio super resolution. -> What does 'streaming' mean in this context? Flows?
2. Method
- F(t) : Audio
- t∈R, t=ti's in every sampling period Rin1, where Rin>0 is input resolution
- F(ti) : local part of discrete samples around t
- gϕ : encoder with parameter ϕ
- fθ : decoder with parameter θ
- zi:= gϕ(F(ti−k),⋯,F(ti+k)) i.e. (2k+1) samples around time ti
- z(t):=(zi(t)−1,zi(t),zi(t)+1), where i(t):=argmini∣t−ti∣, i.e. i(t) is the closest index to t
- F^(t):=fθ(t−ti(t);z(t))≈F(t)
: continuous representation
Note that, i~=t(i)
Output prediction
By putting the sequence of time coordinates every Rout1 to F^(⋅)
-> Don't get it
2.1 Model Architecture
Encoder gϕ
- Convolutional network
- Induces temporal correlation, by summarizing a few consecutive data points.