Riemanian manifold

SHIN·2023년 6월 29일

Riemannian manifold

  • A smooth manifold MM with a Riemannaian metric gg

Smooth manifold

  • A type of manifold that is locally similar enough to a vector space to allow one to apply calculus.


  • A subspace that has similar features with higher dimension space.

Riemannian Metric

  • A Riemannian metric gg on a smooth manifold MM is a smoothly chosen inner product gx:TxM×TxMRg_x : T_xM \times T_xM → R on each of the tangent spaces TxMT_xM of MM. In other words, for each xM,  g=gxx ∈ M, \;g = g_x satisfies
    (1). g(u,v)=g(v,u),  u,vTxMg(u, v) = g(v,u),\;\forall u, v ∈ T_xM (symmetric)
    (2). g(u,u)0,  uTxMg(u, u) ≥ 0,\;\forall u ∈ T_xM (positive-definite)
    (3). g(u,u)=0    u=0g(u, u) = 0\;\leftrightarrow \;u = 0
    where TxMT_xM is the tangent space of xx.

Satisfing inner product

  • Letting g(u,v)=u,vg(u,v) =⟨u, v⟩,
    ,:TxM×TxMR⟨·, ·⟩: T_xM × T_xM → R satisfies inner product.

  • Thus, there exsists a symmetric positive-definite matrix MM, such that
    u,v=uTMv    ⟨u, v⟩ = u^TMv\;\;for all   u,vTxM\;u, v ∈ T_xM.
    In this case, v,w=vTg(x)w⟨v, w⟩ = v^T g(x)w

HAPPY the cat

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