AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C01 ECS, Lambda, Batch, Lightsail

이성현·2022년 8월 2일

ECS - Elastic Container Service

launch docker containers on AWS.
You must provision&maintain the infrastructure (EC2 인스턴스 미리 만들기)

Fargate - simpler!

ECS와의 차이는 provision이 필요 없다는 점.

ECR - Elastic Container Registry

이미지 저장소
place where you store your docker images so they can be run by ECS or Fargate.


  • Virtual functions - no servers to manage.
  • Limited by time - short executions
  • Run on-demand
  • Scaling is automated
  • Event-Driven
  • Pay per calls & duration
    use case : create thumbnails for images uploaded into S3, Run a serverless cron jobs.


fully managed batch processing at any scale. Batch는 시작과 끝이 있는 job으로 반대 개념은 continuous job이다. Run on ECS. No time limit.


Great for people with little cloud experience. Simple web applications. no auto-scaling.

삼성전자 C-Lab 21기 Creative Leader SW개발자 (쪼랩)

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