Cloud Native type. Amazon S3 is ont of the main building blocks of AWS (무한확장 storage).
S3 Use cases
- Backup and storage
- Disaster Recovery
- Archive
- Hybrid Cloud storage
- Media hosting
- Data lakes & big data analytics
- Software delivery
- Static website
S3는 global unique name이어야 하지만, 버킷(directory)은 지역에서 만들어진다.
모든 objects(files)은 키가 있고, 키는 기본적으로 prefix + object name으로 이루어져 있다.
디렉토리가 존재하는 것이 아닌 그저 '/'가 붙은 긴 형태의 키이다. 최대 사이즈는 5TB이고, 5GB이상 업로드 시, "multi-part upload"를 해야한다.
S3 Security
- User based : iam polices
- Resource Based : bucket policies, object access control list(ACL)
S3 Bucket Policies
- JSON based policies
- Grant public access to the bucket
- Force objects to be encrypted at upload
- Grant access to another account
S3 Versioning
- version my files in Amazon S3
- it is enabled at the bucket level
- same key overwrite will increment the version 1,2,3
- protext against unintended deletes
- easy roll back to previous version
S3 Replication
- must enable versioning
- Cross Region Replication, Same Region Replication, Buckets can be in different accounts.
- must give proper IAM permissions to S3
S3 Storage Classes
- Amazon S3 Standard-General Purpose : Big Data analytics, mobile & gaming applications, content distribution
- Amazon S3 Standard-Infrequent Access : Disaster Recovery, backups (rapic access when needed but less frequently accessed)
- Amazon S3 One Zone-Infrequent Access: : data is lost when AZ is destroyed. Storing secondary backup copies of on-premise data
- Amazon S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval:
low-cost object storage. Pricing for storage+object retrieval cost.
- Amazon S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval: Expedited(1-5min), Standard(3-5h), Bulk(5-12h)(free). Minimum storage duration of 90 days.
- Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive:
long term storage. Standard(12h), Bulk(48h). Minimum storage duration of 180days.
- Amazon S3 Intelligent Tiering:
small monthly monitoring and auto-tiering fee. No retrieval charges in S3 Intelligent-Tiering
S3 Encryption
- No Encryption
- Server-Side Encryption
- Client-Side Encrtpyion
AWS Snow Family
Highly-secure, portable devices to collect and process data at the edge, and migrate data into and out of AWS.
- Data Migration: Snowcone,Snowball,Snowmobile
- Edge Computing: Snowcone,Snowball
If it takes more than a week to transfer over the network, use Snowball devices!
desktop application to manage Snow Family devices.
Hybrid Cloud for Storage-Amazon Storage Gateway
온 프레미스 + 클라우드
S3 is a proprietary storage technology, unlike EFS/NFS. So we have to use AWS Storage Gateway.