The instructor's quote
for Golang a return value of a function is placed in Heap memory rather than in Stack in Golang.
from an example of the following book, I tried calling a recursive with no break in it.
Tucker의 Go 언어 프로그래밍
resource moniorting using htop1
resource moniorting using htop2
the PrintNo function was called more than 5 million times and htop shows that the server is busy.
a similar code in C does not support such a number of recursives because the system's limit is set to a small value.
ulimit to see the server settings.
stack value is set only to 8k
example C code with no break
#include <stdio.h>
int sum(int i);
int main()
printf("%d\n", sum(10));
int sum(int i)
return i+sum(i-1);
the program shuts with Segmentation error
Keep learning Golang!